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How to get desired Activity ID while pasting WBS

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Haresh Jayanth
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In P3.1 , i was using Autonumbering option to retain activity id , while pasting activites.

But this option is not there in P6. For example i have an activity ID "TIB04BGE12, TIB04BGE13 and so on ".....Here i only want to change while pasting, the centre number "BO4" to "B05" , how to do this.....

Any idea.


Haresh Jayanth


Nidheesh K Vidyad...
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Dear Haresh,

where you able to do this.




Haresh Jayanth
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Posts: 219
Yes you are right again my tutor.......


Rodel Marasigan
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By default Activity Id use the increment patterned of existing Activity Id. If you don’t want to use this pattern remove tick from Project Window-> Default-> Auto-numbering Defaults-> Increment Id based on selected Activity and it will use the new default Prefix.
Haresh Jayanth
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Dear Rodel,

Yes , i know this option, but my question was , when we copy and paste a WBS , you can see all activity ID’s are pasted with the sequance of numbers.

Suppose i am copying a WBS, with Activity ID V001, V002 etc, when i paste this WBS , my activity id becomes VO03 & VO04 (Increment by one). But if i want my activity id to be changed to VOGF01 , VOGF02 etc....this doesnt happens , even when we change in Project , default , and give prefix...."VOGF" and then increment by 1, even before copying the WBS......

All activity ID take sequance of my copied WBS instead of my default settings activity increment....

Kindly give a solution

Rodel Marasigan
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The P6 equivalent for auto numbering is on Project Window-> Default tab-> Auto-numbering Default. You can set the Prefix, sub-prefix and the increment.

Prefix = ABC
Sub-prefix = 100
Increment = 2

Activity ID = ABC100, ABC102, ABC104...and soon...