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Copy & Paste WBS, error in activity IDs arrange

6 replies [Last post]
Mah Fazel
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Hi all

I have a plan with WBS and some activities.

I Insert an activity between 2 activities and set its ID (for example in Tank1).

when I copy WBS and paste (for Tank2), the last inserted activity is created in end of created activities (in new ID sequence).all things ir right, only activity IDs are not as source.

Why and what must i do?


I am using P6.0 (sql server)


Raymund de Laza
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I suggests as follows:

1. In the EPS pane Create 2 Projects Tank 1 and Tank 2.

2. OPen both Project then Create in Tank 1 all WBS and Activities as you wish.

3. Upon Completion of Tank 1, On the WBS Pane, copy all the WBS from Tank 1 into Tank 2.

4. You will get exactly the same as your requirements.


Hope this will help.

Mah Fazel
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Hi, I am waiting for an answer yet!

has ever any one meet this problem?


Mah Fazel
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Hi, I am waiting for an answer yet!

has ever any one meet this problem?


Raymund de Laza
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Activity ID's are Unique for every Project. Similar Act ID is not allowed within a Project.


Hope this will help.

Mah Fazel
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Thankssss for your attention,
 but the problem is i make a WBS by activities (for ex.):
 _______ A1000 - Course 1 fitup
 _______ A1010 - Course 2 fitup
 then i insert:
_______ A1000 - Course 1 fitup
 _______ ---> A1005 - Course 1 Alignment
 _______ A1010 - Course 2 fitup

 when i copy and paste WBS level, the new activities is:
 _______ A1020 - Course 1 fitup
 _______ A1030 - Course 2 fitup
_______ A1040 - Course 1 Alignment

But i need to be:

_______ A1020 - Course 1 fitup
_______ A1030 - Course 1 Alignment
_______ A1040 - Course 2 fitup 

why isn't?


Zoltan Palffy
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thats how the setting work if you go to the Projects directory and make sure that you project is highlighted

click on the defaults tab

look at the auto numbering setting at the bottom the default for the dfault tab is Activity prefix A Suffix 1000 and increment 10. So if you have 2 activties lets say 1000, 1010 and go to add one it will automatically make it 1020 how could the program possibly read your mind and say oh let's make it 1005 not 1020

if you do not want to use this function uncheck increment Activity ID based on selected activity.