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Need Help on Hospital Schedulling

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Ruel Camaquin
User offline. Last seen 4 years 2 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 16 Nov 2008
Posts: 100

I need some tips on how will i make a quality schedule for a renovation works for a "live" or working hospital. We need to work with 0 noise and dust - a very big challenged.

Btw, the said renovation is a Cathlab. TIA


Samer Zawaydeh
User offline. Last seen 5 years 30 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 3 Aug 2008
Posts: 1664
Dear Ruel,

Very chanllenging project, congradulations.

The problems with operational site is that you have to adhere to the Operator’s rules and conditions. So the constraints are very much real and very much affecting your works.

The basics for making a schedule does not change. The scope is known in your BOQs, drawings and specifications. The issue here is the zoning and planning that is going to take place to complete the works.

So I suggest that you hold a few meetings (say 3) within 1 week with your team, and especially the operator, security, quality control, and any other existing entity at the Lab that might affect your Schedule, and start discussing the zone and what you are going to do. Sketch up some WBS during the meeting, then after few meeting, send it to the Engineer for Approval.

Once your WBS and method statements are approved, you can start the Scheduling as usual.

About the zero noize and zero dust. Either you keep it to an acceptable minimum or you submit a quality procedure to ensure that and get it approved by your Engineer.

With kind regards,
