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Deleting Projects Activities from Personal Node

5 replies [Last post]
wafa Hussain
User offline. Last seen 14 years 46 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 6
Looking information from friends:
I copied and pasted a project on my personal node with basline from Corporate or Enterprise Window .
1) I modified activities
2) Change the project name
3) deleted some resources
and now
I want to delete some activites, doest it affect the project or its baseline which I coppied in my personal node


Arnold Puy
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You are welcome Salman.
Salman Ahmed
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Thanks a lot Arnold
Arnold Puy
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Hi Salman,

There are two alternatives that you can perform.

1. You can do this by updating the baseline. But, be careful with this because it is a little bit complicated and dangerous. Always create backup to your schedule.

2. By restoring your baseline and do the necessary modification as what you have done to your current schedule. This is safe but time consuming.


Salman Ahmed
User offline. Last seen 14 years 40 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 54
Hi Arnold,

I appreciate your very valuable replies.Thanks a lot for that.

If I add activities in my current schedule and I want them added to the baseline along with their relation ships, res.,What shall be the procedure for this.
Arnold Puy
User offline. Last seen 10 years 5 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 1147
Hi Wafa,

Since you copy and paste the project then modified it, it doesn’t influence the others. However, if you delete some activities it will affect the project but it does not affect the baseline schedule.

