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all activities revert to Root node WBS (seemingly) overnight ... but only in one project

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James Barnes
User offline. Last seen 1 year 50 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 243

Good morning

I have an +/-80,000 activity schedule in P6 enterprise environment. It is spread over 6 separate but interlinked projects, each controlled by a differnet scheduler

For the last couple of days one of those projects (but only one) is suffering from some sort of WBS reset each night. On return to work in the morning the scheduler affected finds all (100%) of his activities have been reassigned to the root WBS node of the project. The WBS structure is still there however (phew)

I trust the technical capabilites of this particular scheduler, probably over any of my other guys. If he had any hair he would be tearing it out!

Has anyone suffered a similar symptom? We suspect a rogue project setting but that would be odd as we've been working successfully in this environment for the last year or so, however we've mounted an audit to try and root it out if it's there.

Our central IT dept also recently instituted 2 regular updates

  • Log off all users at 5am - to clear locked accounts
  • Clear POBS tables (but I don't know the regularity of this) - to better manage the size of the database (my projects are not the only ones sharing the same Dbase)

I have rechecked that the affected user successfuly logs out each evening and while I could imagine that the POBS table clearance might have an effect on other data, I would expect to see that effect in all projects, and I do not (not in archives either)

If I didn't know better I'd suspect sabotage!


Zoltan Palffy
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something so simple staring your right in the face glad you found it happens to everyone

James Barnes
User offline. Last seen 1 year 50 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 6 Sep 2007
Posts: 243

OK forget it, we've found the problem

It's embarrassingly simple....

My scheduler had been using a script to construct Excel sheets to import activity code data into P6 but he had neglected to include the WBS name column in the file

he is hanging his head in shame at this moment, as am I for not having worked it out myself

as you were