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Importing Resource Assignments & Budgeted Units in P6

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Mine Sen
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Hello everyone, I’ve been referring to PP about P3 for a while. I just started using P6 and I couldn’t find a similar post on the forum about this issue. I’m trying to import resource assignments from excel to P6 using the import facility. To begin with activities do not have any resources nor budgeted quantities. I have the necessary resources in my resource dictionary, including their resource types, unit of measures, unit prices. When import a material resource for an activity the resource shows up as a labor resource in the project. More suprisingly when I recalculate the assignment costs, the costs are calculated perfectly using the unit costs in the resource dictionary. What am i doing wrong? Is it not possible to import both resource assignments and bugdeted units to P6 via excel at once?


Greg Prescott
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And remember to use the Export Type as Resource Assignments.

Arnold Puy
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Hi Sen,

You can import both simultaneously. However, the Resource Type is always equivalent to Labor as default.

If you wish you can assign first the resources in P6 prior to export to Excel and assign the corresponding quantities in Excel and export it back to P6.

