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Primary base line

9 replies [Last post]
Shanmuga Pandian ...
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B1 -is a orignal contract file data date- 1/10/09
B2 -is a copy of B1 update file data date 1/11/09
B3 -is a copy of B2 update file data date 1/12/09

Now - B3 is a current project
- B2 is primary baseline

Problem :
ACT File Start finish
Waterproofing B1 10/10/09 20/12/09
Waterproofing B2 Actual 20/10/09 10/12/09

but in my cuerrent project B3, I kept B2 is a primary baseline but my bar and Base line 1 start and finish date shows as 10/10/09 and 20/12/09

Please give advise how can I show B2 date in B3 as a baseline?

Regards ,
Senior Planner


Arnold Puy
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You are welcome Mr. Shanmuga.

Shanmuga Pandian ...
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Hi Mr Arnold
It’s really nice to talk to you on telphone, I got the solution from you .Thanks a lot.

Regards ,
TN Shanmuga
Arnold Puy
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Hi Shanmuga,

I saw the problem in your schedule, you assigned a User Baselines however, in your project setting your current baseline is the Project baseline. You need to change the setting into User’s primary baseline in order to take the effect.

Note: Normal Filter is the combination of "Activity Type" (Task Dependent, Resource Dependent & WBS Summary).



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A in-progress project cannot be used as Baseline.
i.e. except B1, all others will not display as per your expected if they are assigned as baseline.

Baseline only pick "PLAN Start/Finish" dates, NOT "START/FINISH" dates
Arnold Puy
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Hi Shanmuga,

B3 is your current project and B2 is your Primary Baseline (BL1). If you say Primary Baseline, it is a User Baselines and not Project Baseline.

Try to check your User Baselines (Primary), may be the one you assign is a "Current Baseline". Try to check your Project Baseline as well. Otherwise, send me a screen shot to my email at and I will send you the snap shot on how to do it.



Rafael Davila
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Although I don’t have P6 maybe the following can give you a clue as for you to display the baseline bar of your wish.

It is common of many primavera software to let you define several baselines. Once defined and assigned a baseline number then in your main job you can show some data on the columns of the Gantt Table and also you can graphically display your baselines.

To graphically display your baselines you have to tell the software how you want it to display the bars, this at the format bars screen. For every bar you want to display but not yet defined you will have to add a line, select the bar location and bar format, select the start and finish date fields and here you should have it. Use the context sensitive help if available on the format bars screen.

Remember you are not limited to early bars but can also define late bars, float bars and so on. Explore it at will this will not alter your data.

Best regards,
Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 31 weeks ago. Offline
I’m no expert on P6, but it sounds like it is looking at an early or planned start field, rather than actual start

-Did you schedule the B2 programme after applying actuals? This may be required to make early start = actual in the database
-Is there an option you can select to ensure actual progress overides out of sequence logic?

As I say, I am no expert and i don’t have the software with me right now to try it out, so may be a red herring.


Shanmuga Pandian ...
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Thanks Anoon ,
Filter is normal
Anoon Iimos
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check filters for bars