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Activities with unsatisfied constraints

5 replies [Last post]
Rami Al Haddad
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Can anyone help me on the the Exception: "Activities with unsatisfied constraints" in Primavera schedule report (log file.

what does it mean? do I have to worry about it? if i should, how can i get rid of it?

It’s a bit confusing since activities of same attributes don’t share this section in the report.



Rafael Davila
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The references by Arnold are among the very best for P3, I wonder about P6. Just remember P3 is old software that is starting to show its age, P6 should be more up to date.

About CPM in Construction Management by J.O’Brien and Frederic L. Plotonic this is a rewrite of a 44 years old book, a few relevant advancements in CPM software will be missing as they are missing in P3, I am not sure about P6 references in the last rewrite of this old book.

You will have to continue reading elsewhere if want to keep updated with more up to date knowledge on P6, specially as the software is beng updated so frequently that by the time a new book is released the software has a new version.

There is a company, Ron Winter Consulting, that by providing related software have prolonged the functionality of P3 and P6 with excellent products, to me it is a pity they never decided to make their own software.

Best regards,
Arnold Puy
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Hi Rami,

I am using the books as a reference of the following:

1. "CPM in Construction Management - Sixth Edition" by James J. O’Brien & Fredric L. Plotnick

2. "Delay Analysis in Construction Contracts" by P.J. Keane & A.F. Caletka

3. "Construction Delays Extensions of Time and Prolongation Claims" by Roger Gibson

I think Mr. Rafael also can help you with this.



Rami Al Haddad
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Hi Arnold/Rafael,

Thank you both, this is was very much helpful.

If it is not much to ask, I haven’t been successfully finding a document that explains the various Warnings/Exceptions in Primavera report, do you guys know any book/reference for that!

Rafael Davila
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Depending on your software constraint dates are applied at the early dates or at the late dates. Finish constraints redefines backward pass computations (late dates), redefine float, allows for negative float, hides longest path and confuse the user. Mandatory constraints are the most dangerous, shows as possible the impossible as per CPM logic

Sometimes is required by contract to show negative float, this tends to show a lot of negative float when the job is behind schedule. The dumb Owner is happy with the idea, the scheduler usually will not.

Other software such as Spider Project does not affect true CPM computations and place a start or finish marker on the activity in addition of the true CPM Bar at the Gantt display.

Best regards,
Arnold Puy
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Hi Rami,

"Activities with unsatisfied constraints" only happens when the assigned constraints date (Finish On, Finish On or Before, Mandatory Finish) forces the task to finish on the constraint date.

To avoid this kind of scenario try to remove the primary constraint or change the constraint to "Finish On or After" (If necessary), that forces the activity to finish no earlier than the constraint date.

