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Pertmaster Risk Are You Able to Create Macros W/MS VB 6

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Jose Ramirez
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Hi Guys,

I am looking for a bit of information on Writing Macros for Pertmaster Risk 8.5. Our Company only has the Risk version not the Risk Expert Version with the silly VBA.

As a Pertmaster Risk User Are You Able to Create Your Own Macros with MS or MS VB 6 (i know is old but is very powerful still)...

I have download the macros from the Primavera Website. I also would like to know why are the Weathermodule Macros created with a .MPEG file extension and the CreateManhour Macro is created with .VBA.

sorry, guys am just looking for this bit of information. I know is a little vague but am trying to figure things out before i start coding things and they don’t work. I know that you guys have a create knowledge base here and any little help is greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.



Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 15 weeks 21 hours ago. Offline
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Hi Jose

I am moving your thread to P6 because you do not seem to be getting any response.

Best regarards Mike Testro