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Not able to delete or copy a project in P-6-Rel 8.2

2 replies [Last post]
Ali Kashif
User offline. Last seen 5 years 29 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 6 Oct 2008
Posts: 13


Dear All,


I am having a strange problem, which I never face while using Rel-6.0,6.2,7.0, and that is while deleting/or copying  a program, It states a error code-TINAT-2680-D, or mentioning there is not enough space in database.


Please any one advise to solve this issue.





Ali Kashif
User offline. Last seen 5 years 29 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 13


Dear Ron,


Thanks  for your advice, I would read the document, and  try to figure that out.


Another issue now I started facing is not able to import the program even, as of DB storage issue.


Need the advice, if this can be solved.


Thanks and Regards,




Ronald Winter
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Sadly, your database is full and there is very little you can do about it.  Evidently, you are using Oracle Express or SQL Express 2055, both of which have built-in a 4 GB limit.  Once that is reached, the database will not support any adds, including deleting projects (as it needs to use extra temporary space for the swaps.)  Every standalone installation of P6 is subject to this limit (although there are ways of extending the limit using newer databases.)


I recommend that you read a paper I presented at the 2012 AACE Annual Conference titled, “Living with P6 Databases”.  You can find a copy of it here  Good luck!