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Converting P6 to other software

3 replies [Last post]
Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 40 weeks ago. Offline
Quick question, PP peeps:

I have a p6 tender schedule to review. I don’t have P6, and can’t get it installed in time.

My options are:
a) get tenderer to convert to MSP
b) get tenderer to convert to P3
c) get P5 installed (I can get this done quickly), and learn how to use it on the fly

If a or b, I expect the conversion won’t be perfect.
If c, does a conversion of formats need to be done, or do P5 and P6 both use the same file formats?

Unfortunately the file format wasn’t specified in the ITT, so any conversion errors will be down to us not the tenderers.

Ultimately, which would you advise as being the most error-free option?

Ta muchly,



Hady Shendy, PMP
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you can export to Excel from P5 or P6
then use the majic tool pivot table to review your tender
Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 40 weeks ago. Offline
Thanks very much for your help, David

In the end, I went for secret option d) -Borrow a laptop from a colleage with P6 on it!


David Podmore
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Hi Gary,

My advice is get P5 installed and edit the .xer file from the P6 export. All you need to do is change the version number from P6 to P5.

ERMHDR 6.0.0 would become... ERMHDR 5.0.2000 (or whatever the installed version is)

We run P6 but one of our clients run P5. They can read our XERs by doing this.

Seems to work for us!!
