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P3e to P3 convert.

12 replies [Last post]
Marcio Sampaio
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Dear all,

I’m working with planning and control in a oil company in Brazil.
My company works with P3e and my contractor works with P3.
Do u know if i’m going to have problems - like loose infomrations - during update using P3e to P3 convert and P3 to P3e convert?


Marcio Eduardo


Marcio Sampaio
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Hi Amar Aghana;

I decide to convert all baselines projects into P3e and insert progress in P3e in accordance with contractors. So i am not having to do monthly conversions.

Kind regards,

Marcio Eduardo.
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil.
Amar Aghana
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Any development on this? I am continuing with the problems. But this time the problem is from client. They have P3 and Our company is V5. Intenally I need to work in V5 and to client in P3. The modifications they do in P3 soft copy to be imported to my V5. Ohhhh....

Thanks, Amar
Marcio Sampaio
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Hi Dinesh,

Thats it. I have to stop trying to find a solution and start to work - and work hard!


Marcio Eduardo.
Dinesh Kumar Dama...
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Then you have no choice at this moment, you have to face the trouble.


Marcio Sampaio
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My company is trying, but it’s too dificult. By the contract, they can use MS Project and Contractors are pleading U$ 200.000,00 to do an additive to change to P3e or P3. A number impossible to understand.


Marcio Eduardo.
Dinesh Kumar Dama...
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Hi Marcio Eduardo,

Try to pursue them to use P3.You will face lot of problems with MS project.Updated MS project programme also produces very strange results.MS project is very good to generate quick schedules but once you start updating them, it will be a disaster.

My advice is that you try to pursue them to use P3 atleast.



Marcio Sampaio
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The biggest problem is that i’ll have to do these converts every month. And contractors definitively are going to use MS Project. Like i said, they can use any software they want.

So, i’ll have problems.


Marcio Eduardo.
Dinesh Kumar Dama...
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Hi Marcio Sampaio ,

Normally, there should not be any problem if you bring projects from P3 to P3e.You will get problems in the begining but once you get used that it is easier.Try with small projects first and understand what is happening during the import.Once the programmes are in P3e you can use SDK to trasfer the links.

I faced many problems using MS project and I suggest that you ask your contractors to use atleast P3 not MS Project if you want to reduce the headache.


Marcio Sampaio
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Can not use Primavera Contractor. It supports maximum 750 activities. I’m working with projects with 6.000 activities each one.

And, by the contract, contractors can use any software they want.


Marcio Eduardo
Gordon Blair
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I’m afraid you will...

Not sure if this will be entirely practicable, depends on the Programme sizes... have you tried conduiting everything through P3eContractor?

It purports to be nicely compatible with everything, and seems to work ok in this role for us.
Marcio Sampaio
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Thanks Amar,

The problem is that i’m going to have to do monthly updates from P3 to P3e.
And this shcedule has links with others projects. So i’m going to update, run schedule and do the P3e to P3 convert to return the results to my contractor (every month).
The truth is that i have 5 contractors: 1 works with P3e; 2 works with P3 and 2 works with MS Project (all with interface links). I’m going to do the same thing for all projects.
Think i’ll have big difficulty


Marcio Eduardo
Amar Aghana
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This is very good topic to be discussed. As such, as primavera claim, (while selling !)there should not be any data errors while importing and exporting.

However, the pain and headache for while import and export come free!

You and your contractor have to have similar calendar, Similar Activity codes, WBS etc. Otherwise to set the code values right is an extra burdon. Ofcourse, this is okay, if you are exporting or importing for one time. But if this is going to be on weekly or monthly basis, it is difficult.

Unfortunately, I am going to have same situation as you have, Data transfer between site, Contractor, Client etc all using different softwares. Oh.!! Miles to go before I sleep "EVERYDAY"...

Cheers, Amar.