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Current Project finish date And Baseline finish are sa

10 replies [Last post]
Shahzad Ahmad
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Could any one advise me .

I have update schedule in P6 after rescheduling the Current Project Finished date & Baseline finished date are same.

the fact is that we are late according to baseline sch.

my problem is Current Project Finished date not changing.

Thanks in advance for your help / advise.


Mark M
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Please look at the following thread;

Particularly & I quote from David’s post;
"Also, a point to anyone who wishes to supply printed material (all be it scanned), what is the copyright of the document?

On this forum we have fantastically intelligent people who make a living from publishing great books and guides that we all use, by scanning and copying we are depriving that author of their rightful payment.

So, if you are not the author or rightful owner of the works or you do not have the specific permission of that entity to copy their works, please do not do it.

We will not condone copyright theft."

Shahzad Ahmad
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Training Manual Is a Hrad Binder Books.

I will try to scan it then i can send to all of You.


Abeer Mahmoud
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Hi Shahzad

can you please send to me the training manual my e-mail

Thanks for your help.
User offline. Last seen 6 years 38 weeks ago. Offline
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hi shahzad

can you share to me the training manual

thank you
Shahzad Ahmad
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Thanks , Mr Puy.

My explanation was not clear was my main problem.

again Thanks.

I would like share my Training Manual which is full of example solving prob..etc..

Thanks so much for Your advice.

Shahzad Ahmad
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Hi Mr. Puy

i create a copy of my master Schedule before update that

Basline -B1 which listed in my based Maintain base line Tab.

Ans. of your question yes i know how to save a copy thru Maintain basline / restored etc.

my problem has been solved with my training Manual.

In the manual
Arnold Puy
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Hi Shahzad,

If I understood you, your project & primary baseline is your current schedule. Therefore, your current & baseline schedule are the same.

Your current programme should came from the baseline programme and being updated weekly or monthly depending on your contract requirements.

My question is, do you know how to maintain & assign baseline? If not, then here are the steps:

1. Create a copy of your Approved Baseline Programme.
2. After creating, go to Project Menu --> Maintain Baseline then select "ADD".
3. Tick the "Convert another project to a new baseline of the current project" then OK.
4. Select the newly created copy of your Approved Baseline and assign & close.
5. Go to Project Menu --> Assign Baselines, and assign the added Approved Baseline to "Project or primary baseline".

Hope this helps.


Shahzad Ahmad
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first time i had perform the step.

Project Name Overrall

Maintain a Basleine as a Overall-B2

Then Baseline assign as Follows.





User baseline


The above step is also not worrking.

Shahzad Ahmad
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Project name is Overall

1.I have maintain a base Line as a Overall-2

2. Assign baseline as:


(current Project)


hope find the solution.


Arnold Puy
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Hi Shahzad,

Are you sure you assign your baseline programme? Can you cite an example to make it easier to understand.
