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Comparing Baseline finish date and finish date

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Kinnar Patel
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Anyone knows how to setup filter which can compare any diffrences in the baseline finish date and finish date in the programme. I want this for creating a report.
I appreciate help.
Thanks in advance.
Cheers !!


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Variance BL Finish NE 0

Kinnar Patel
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I have 400 activities in the programme.
How can i set filter in a report wizard to show the changes?
User offline. Last seen 4 years 8 weeks ago. Offline
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I wud suggest u to go for a filter with:

a) Longest PATH EQ YES
b) Early Dates WR ....... .......

If its a 40000 activity program & there is a major delay, then most of the activities finish date will definitely change.

Above two filters will give u the best result. Add BL start & finish AND varinace column.

If u want to create report, then u can go to TOOLS --> Reports --> Reports. U can have use standard reports or u can modify them as per your needs.

BTW, how many activities r there in ur program?

Kinnar Patel
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HI Raviraj,
Thanks for your reply. WHat exactly i want to do is:
I have a programme and we have a bi-weekly review meeting. I want to create a report which shows the activities which finish dates are changed from previous week. I can add column and compare, but i want to create a report, so i can run and present in a meeting.
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Hi Patel,

Do u want to comapre date by Date? Then add two more columns of BL1 Start & BL1 Finish. This will give you difference between target & current update dates.

You may also add VARIANCE COLUMN to compare the difference in days.

If u want to compare two different programs, then you may please use CLAIM Digger to compare required parameters.

Anoon Iimos
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not sure what you want, i supposed columns will do (don’t need to filter)