Currently, we have 8 people working in a live schedule.
There are columns with "Added By", "Modified By", and "Modified Date".
Since I did the intial upgrade into P6, my name is stamped on all of our 16,000 activities as the creator. When someone copies one of my activities, it is a new activity, but yet my name remains.
I am curious as to how this feature works. We have noticed that there is not an added by or modified date outside of the current weeks data date. And, copying an activity keeps everything the same (as for person modifiying) but does show a different date.
Please, if you have any information on this feature, such as what is included in the "MODIFIED BY" (ie. logic changes, resource changes, etc.). In other words, what changes to an activity will allow the modified by function to exist? If someone hits F9, do they then modifiy the activities?