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user prefence deafult time period

9 replies [Last post]
Shahzad Ahmad
User offline. Last seen 15 years 9 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 96
Hello All.

i am a new user of P6 ..

i am using a two diffrent project cleander one for engineering depart. as they are working for 8.0h/d and other for construction Labours they are working for 10H/d

1. cleander 8.0h/d
2. cleander 10h/d

However User Prefence deafault setting 8.0h/d if i will make it 10h/d then engineering cleander 8.0/d work time will be not same as my user prefence..

There is any common setting in P6 alow me to perform my work in correct way. or i have to change my user prefence accordint to my cleander.

Your advise most valuable

kind regards


Sandy Matheson
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This is a basic fault with P5/P6. I have raised it with Primavera but they say it is put on their ’improvements’ list. Not an improvement but correction of a basic fault.
User offline. Last seen 3 years 46 weeks ago. Offline
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Can check at Paul Harris website or

You can check at amazon
Shahzad Ahmad
User offline. Last seen 15 years 9 weeks ago. Offline
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well, in my case Manager need to use 2 diffrence cal.

argument. if i will use one Cal which is 10hr/d means
using inplace of 8/hr day considering 2 Hr. per day equal to 60 hr. per month.
very ture we are not going to use this 60 Hr per month for engineering Activities.

Over all schedule showing less duration for the activities.

why becouse considering 10 actual working Hr. is 8 hr. only.
anyways i will try to justfy to Management.

Where i can get (Paul’s book)

User offline. Last seen 3 years 46 weeks ago. Offline
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To make it sweet and simple,

V can hav as many calendars as possible, BUT

V can only one option to set time period in User preference.

if v hav different calendar timings, then how its possible to set different user preference.

Am i saying correctly? is it possible to set/change user preference every now and then as per different calendars??

Just make one more note which is given on the same page (51): When v display or enter data in tiem unit fields other than hours, P6 converts the data based on the Hours per Time period settings (Either user preference or Admin preference) and that’s how they state to set hours per time period values in user preference to the activity calendar.
User offline. Last seen 3 years 46 weeks ago. Offline
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u r right in ur case, but changing in user preference means every WBS and project duration in days in the whole database days will change.

Its preferred not to use multiple calendars in P6. Its utter confusion.

READ THIS: (From Paul’s book)

When Calendars have different start and end times, then some activities will span one day more than the duration of the activity.
Shahzad Ahmad
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Posts: 96

I gone through P6 Manual chapter formatting time uint.

in that they mentioned...

next to this " Define the Hours per time Priod."
here they have very clear stated that we have to change the setting acording to Calender.

Please ref the P6 Manual may be your understanding is better then mine.

Thanks & regards
User offline. Last seen 3 years 46 weeks ago. Offline
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It is no advisable to change user preference settings every now and then. Change calendar instead.

Also, make sure that ur admin settings and user settings are same. Otherwise it will lead to different summary durations.

To check it; make a small program of 5-6 activities and apply different calendars. Please make sure, keep your original duration column and timescale in hours rather than days. Its hectic especially with activities having 1 day duration.
Shahzad Ahmad
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Hi Raviraj.

what i understand i have to change time period stting according to my calnder .

User offline. Last seen 3 years 46 weeks ago. Offline
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It is not that easy in P6.

The "Hours per Time Period" (option in User preference) factors apply to every project and every calender and so, projects with calendars with different hours per day will not display the correct activity durations in days.

It’s always preferred to set Duration Format in Hours in such cases and check it one by one for all activities

Its hectic, but cant escape from this.
