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Hours per TIME pERIOD

2 replies [Last post]
moutaz aldeib
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Dear Planners,

I have a project calendar, which is 6 days a week and 8 hrs/day, when I checked the hours per time period by clicking the button, I found hours/week is 40 not 48 and the hours/month, and hours/year as well have not been changed. So I have to change it manually. How it changes automatically once I change the hours per day?




moutaz aldeib
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Dear Muhammad,

Thanks a lot for your reply, the project defauly calendar are already changed from the begining.



muhammad anwar
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Dear Moutaz,


By changing projects default calendar the activity calendar does not change. If your activities are on 5 days calendar then they will stay on 5 day calendar but new activities you put in the project will pickup the new 6 day calendar. Diplay column for calendar and use fill down option to change the activities calendar and it will solve the issue.


