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Level of effort

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Tarek Barham
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Dear All

Any person have any idea about LOE ( Level of effort ) what is the meaning of this one???


Muhammad Farhan
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Here is what i think...

Level of effort is measured only in terms of resources actually consumed within a given time period.It is generally characterized by a uniform rate of activity over a specific period of time.

Whereas, A Hammock Activity spans between two points in a network. It has no duration of its own but derives one from the time difference between the two points to which it is connected.

Muhammad Farhan
Izam Zakaria
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No differ at all Ali farhat. It’s exactly same and I’ve been implemented this and present to my porject manager and just only description diffrent.But the tools exactly is same.Use SS for pred act. then ff for succ act......then u will find the real funtion of this tools.Got it?
Ali Farhat
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Ferdinad, LOE is not another name to hammock. It is similar but differs in many aspects. please check P6 help for differences
this is a part of P6 help about LOE usage
"Use level of effort activities for on-going tasks that depend on other activities. For example, you could assign LOE for clerical work, a security guard, ...."

Best Regards,
Ferdinand Fincale...
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Dear Ali,

Assigning resources in an LOE or a hammock activity is for the purpose of project control and measurement in huge programs that is composed of thousands of activities. You may rarely use it in just a few hundreds of activities as loading of cost and resources is a bit manageable.

If you think you can better manage the project with so much of LOE activities as if it were normal tasks, go ahead, its your style.

Just sharing.

Ali Farhat
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Exactly Ferdinand, LOE does not have any influence on the schedule nor does it drive any other activities. it is rather influenced by its pred and succ. but this does not mean necessarly that LOE can not be used as an activity.
What is the reason behind assigning resources to LOE if it is not used as an activity?
I already use it in my schedules, and in some cases, no other "activity type" can stand for LOE.
Ferdinand Fincale...
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Dear Ali,

No question about summaries in WBS, but I will never agree with you that LOE is a normal activity or task to be used in a program. As it is just like a hammock, it certainly has limited functionality or usage. If the LOE can ever drive other acivities in your program, nor it may make influence in your schedule, that is the only time that I will agree with you.

Try to have some exercise with LOE to better understand its usage.

Ali Farhat
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Dear Ferdinand,
if you want to summarize data in a WBS you can revert to WBS Summary which summarizes all the activities in a WBS.
LOE is a normal activity INDEED, you can assign resources to LOE.
Ferdinand Fincale...
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Dear Ali and All,

Sorry for my below posting. Please disregard the baseline thing that I said as it is simply a bullshit opinion, MISLEADING. My apologies to all. But still I stand to my contention of using the LOE as a normal activity.

To correct things, hammock or LOE are included in baselining.

Ferdinand Fincale...
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Dear Ali,

Please don’t be mistaken in using the LOE as a normal activity as its concept is still similar to that of a hammock activity. As you know, LOE or hammock activities cannot be baselined, therefore, to use LOE activity as if it is a normal task (as I understand you perceived such a thing in your example), you then may never have a measuring tool in your progress monitoring which is an essential part of project management.

Simply sharing.

Ali Farhat
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Dear Tarek,
When you have an activity with flexible duration depending on the end of one activity and the begining of another

For example, if you need to add an activity "Guarding site" you dont know how long it will take but you know that guarding the site starts when material "x" arrives on site and ends when you install Gates.
then you create a LOE activity "Guarding site", the pred will be "arrival of material X" and the succ will be "installation of gates". the duration of LOE will be the difference between the end of "arriva" and the start of "installation". if the pred starts earlier or the successor delayed, the duration of LOE will change automatically.
hope this helps
Ferdinand Fincale...
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Dear Tarek,

Hammock or LOE:

WHY? - for easy recognition of the total duration of a set of activities. Hammock activities are likewise used as a project controls tool in huge work programs by loading it with resources.
WHEN? - it is up to your need in program presentation on which set of activity you want the total duration to be easily recognised. Usually it is used in a long chain of activities, say 1 work phase, section or floor level.
WHERE? - usually it is presented on top of the set of activities next to the WBS level.

Hope that the above information is of help to you.

In Service,
Tarek Barham
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Dear Ferdinand

Thanks for prompt action.

Yes I know that, but I need practical example about Hammock or LOE activities, why , when and where we can use it.
Ferdinand Fincale...
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Dear Tarek,

LOE in P5 or P6 is equivalent to Hammock activity in P3. Please further refer to the help files.

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh.

In Service,