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0% age for Completed WBS

6 replies [Last post]
Riyadh Yahia
User offline. Last seen 12 years 49 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 62

I will explain my problem in points as:

1- Basically a schedule was made on P3 (by another planner)
2- The project duration is completed on Sep. 2008 , but work NOt.
3- The Schedule %Complete = 100 The Performance % Complete = 70
4- I am asked to make a revised schedule with extension of 12 Months.
5- I Convert the schedule to P6
6- I expanded the activities (added more items which was not there).
7- Added labor to activities
8- After completing the required extension time and Scheduling DD= 1-11-2008, I found that Schedule % complete and Performance % Complete is NOT Rolling as I expected.
9- Many WBS(for Example)which had 3 activities is 100%, is showing 0% at both Schedule & Performance % Complete.

So what is going On?????

May Any Help, and give solution ?????


Riyadh Yahia
User offline. Last seen 12 years 49 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 62
Dear Ferdinand,

In fact you mentioned good points, which I will take care of them.

Ferdinand Fincale...
User offline. Last seen 9 years 22 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 140
Hi Riad,

You may loss your head trying to connect and revising your previous planner’s program into your whole new concept in a newer version of the program. My advice are as follows:

1. Since you are dealing with a a bunch of historical activities, you may simply utilize its actual updates in your archive for future EOT analysis. You need not change anything on it as updates of the actual work done can never be altered anyway.
2. Make a new program in P6 as you desired for the project’s balance of works, change orders and variations to demonstrate your company’s EOT claims.
3. If you want to be a bit connected to your colleague’s previous program, I guess you can simply setup some milestones of particular activities in your new program with reference to the old program’s Data Date or last update, and thereby continue with your EOT program.
4. For your future demonstration, justification and analysis of EOT claims, you may simply use spreadheets for summarized items in your presentation.

Hope I am of service to you. Good luck.

Anoon Iimos
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I may suggest that you just keep the original plan (P3) as it is, and work on a completely new plan in P6.

Riyadh Yahia
User offline. Last seen 12 years 49 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 62
Dear Eng, Arnold and Anoon,

Thank you for your response; bellow I am trying my best to answer your questions,

A: - P3 Recovery Schedule Information’s:
1- The P3 Schedule was the Recovery Schedule which was done on 30 June 2008
2- The PCT CMP = 47.70 % [Tabular Report ……. Resources ........ Earned Value (units) ]
B:- Actual Schedule Progress Information’s on 30 June 2008 was:
1- The Actual Cumulative Progress = 70 %
2- The Planned Cumulative Progress = 97 % (This was calculated through the Planned Weight % age of Labor Units by Excel file )
3- Progress Achievement = 72.16 %

C:- Actual Schedule Progress Information’s on 2 Sep. 2008 (Project Finish Date) was:
1- The Actual Cumulative Progress = 71.60 %
2- The Planned Cumulative Progress = 100% (This was calculated through the Planned Weight % age of Labor Units by Excel file )
3- Progress Achievement = 71.60 %

D:- Imported the P3 Recovery Schedule to P6 on 20 Oct. 2008, Then Run (F9) Data Date on 1 Nov. 2008 :
1- Added extra activities (for example Old Activity is = Fixing Door Frames for All Floors ….the New Activities add Fixing Door Frames for Lower Flr, 1st Flr. 2nd Flr, 3rd Flr and Penthouse ) ….many activities splitted like that.
1- The labor Units Imported to P6 as Non-labor ( Did not Delete Them )
2- Add labor Units to activities with price/unit = 6 and unit/time = 8d
3- After Adding the Labor Units, The Schedule % Complete = 53.43 % AND The Performance % Complete = 53.23 %
4- Items Cost not yet Assigned.

Was my procedure right?
If not Where is the defect !

1- Steps A, B & C was made by pervious Engineer
2- Step D was made By me



Anoon Iimos
User offline. Last seen 3 years 10 weeks ago. Offline
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what’s going on? it simply mixed up, from P3 to P6?

firstly, you did not mention the actual percent progress from P3, how it was calculated? based on what? resource units? duration? or costs?

point # 2. schedule is supposed to be completed on sep.’08, but not actually. What is the calculated equivalent total actual progress? Is it really 70%?

point # 4. How did you calculate the 12 months EOT? Isn’t this supposed to be calculated from the revised schedule considering the remaining works (assuming it is really 30%)?

Arnold Puy
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Hi Riad,

First of all, if you added some actvities to your revised schedule and allocate labor resource, make sure the one you added to your current schedule will also be added to your baseline.

Try to check also the price/unit of your new created labor resources, it should not be equal to zero otherwise, your Performance & Schedule % complete does not roll up in the summary.

Now, if you added some activities to your existing schedule the Performance & Schedule % complete will be changed due to the additional activities. If you have 100% for Schedule & 70% for Performance, this will reduce the percentage depending on the budgeted quantity of the resources you have allocated.

Try this exercise and you will find out the answer.

