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How to select correct WBS Percent complete in P6

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Viet Tran
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Dear everyone,

I am creating my own turnaround scheduling, and I am also confusing to select which of the WBS percent complete to reflect and track the progress of my schedule? 

I have read that "Performance % Complete is the final field, used for actual progress", not Duration percent completed? Can you advise or guide me to clarify this issued?


Thanks a lot and appreciate for your comments.

Viet Tran.


Viet Tran
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Dears Sirs,

Thanks for you all to take the time and consulted with me. I appreciate and learn from it.


Phil Bedford
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Hey Viet - my understanding from the small amount of reading Ive done is that to show the Performance % complete summarised at WBS level, all activities under that WBS heading must have resources assigned.

Ive done a quick test on one of my schedules and this does apear to be the case -any activities that were not resourced for whatever reason, I just created a dummy resource and assigned it.

This article mentions if you have v 18.2 or greater, you can also use Performance % complete - Labour Units as a further option.

Hope this helps.

Viet Tran
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Thanks Phil Bedford,

Agreed with you to use the Physical Percent Complete is the correct way to measure the actual progress, but this percentage is not summarised in WBS level, and how you choose percent complete for this situation? Can I choose the Performance % at the WBS level?


Zoltan Palffy
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If Budgeted values with planned dates is selected, the baseline dates are equal to the Baseline project’s Planned Start and Finish dates. If either At Completion values with current dates or Budgeted values with current dates is selected, the baseline dates are equal to the Baseline project’s Start and Finish dates. (Actual dates if they exist or planned dates if activity if not started or finished)

The Schedule % complete specifies how much of the activity's baseline duration has been completed so far. Computed based on where the current data date falls between the activity's baseline start and finish dates. If the data date is earlier than the Baseline Start, the Schedule % Complete is 0. If the data date is later than the Baseline Finish, the Schedule % Complete is 100. The Schedule % Complete indicates how much of the activity duration should be currently completed relative to the selected baseline.

The Performance % complete is used to compute earned value and may be based on the Activity% Complete, on the 0/100 rule, on the 50/50 rule which depends on the technique for computing earned-value percent complete for the activity's WBS. The Performance % Complete specifies what percentage of, the activities planned worth has been earned so far.

Having something quantifiable and measurable is always the best way to measure progress that could be manhours or commodities such as LF of conduit ect.

Performance Percent Complete for the activity is based on Units Percent Complete. Activities without a Resource curve assigned to one or more of the Resource Assignments will use the Activity percent complete


Another way to do it is to do it on a strictly time basis. Meaning if I have a baseline schedule that is 10 months long then at the end of the 3rd month I should be 30% scheduled or planned percent complete. Now when I update the schedule at the end of the 3rd month the lack of progress tells me that I have slipped 1 month and the overall project will now take me 11 months  so my actual % complete is only 20% complete.


Planned % Complete

Yet another way to do this is to look at the total number of activities for the project lest say that there are 1,000 activities. Now at the end of the 3rd month you look at the baseline un-progressed schedule and filter where finish is within the range of DD (low value) and DD+3M (high value) this will give you the total number of activities that were originally planned to have finished by the end of the third month. Let’s say that this number is 200 activities. So 200/1000 is 20% therefore at the end of the 3rd month you were scheduled to be 20% complete. What this does not give you are activities that are planned to be INPROGRESS meaning started but not yet completed at the end of that 3rd month. To add these to the filter make the filter be where start is less than DD+3M.  So both of these together the filer would be


where finish is within the range of DD (low value) and DD+3M (high value)


where start is less than DD+3M

let’s that total number of activities for that filter is now 225 so 225/1000 = 23%  therefore at the end of the 3rd month you were scheduled to be 20% complete.

Actual % Complete

To get the actual % complete go into the updated schedule (at the end of the 3rd month) and set the filter to


where actual finish is less than DD (data date)


where activity status  =  inprogress

let’s that total number of activities for that filter is now 125 so 125/1000 = 13%  therefore at the end of the 3rd month you are actually 13% complete.


So the Scheduled % Complete = 23% and the actual % complete is 13%. Using this technique sets all of the activities as having the same weight and importance.

Phil Bedford
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Duration % complete assumes that the effort required to complete an activity is equal throughout its duration, so whilst it is the easiest (and probably most common) way to update a schedule, it is not necessarily the most accurate.

Personally, I use Physical & complete for most schedules, especially for Turnaround/Shutdown work - this allows you to stipulate how much work (or effort) has been completed and what duration remains to complete the activity.

TenSix have a decent write up on which % complete type to use depending on the type of activity.