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Activity ID and relationship mismatch

8 replies [Last post]
shiv rao
User offline. Last seen 12 years 12 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 62
Hi guys ,

I have been facing a problem in Copy Pasting a group of activities in P6 .

when i am doing this for a group of 10 or more activities .

The Activity ID are gettign placed in a different sequence .

They go out of the last Activity Id placed and the difference also get displaced.

Bcos of which i need to go back and line the activites again.
The project contains 20000 activities almost.

Do you have solution



Anoon Iimos
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That’s reality, and dealing with it is another kind of planning which I never learned, that’s why an ordinary employee like me gets fired always!
Ranish KT
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Shiv true P6 behaves that way. P6 sorts data in one of the column say "start" or " act description", etc. After copying data, use the same sort method used in original file. i.e click the heading as we do in excel.
Glenn Douglas
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Thanks for the answer.

All I need to do is change the 6 PM’s and 9 clients I currently deal with for ’sane’ ones.
shiv rao
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Dear Friends ,

I am seeing people are posting replies why the issue is imporatant ?

If at all it is imporatnt to sequencially put the activities there is no harm.

If some know the solution how can it be done .
I am also a planner and understand that logic exisits but having then in a sequence its easy to understand.


Shiv Rao
Anoon Iimos
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i believe that a sane planner or pm who understands how the program (software) works will never review a 20 page pdf or hard copy of the schedule without the aid of a real soft copy for himself.
Alex Wong
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Again, if the schedule is breakdown nicely, finding activity should be easy and it make no different whether the activity id is in sequency or not.

However, when I saw schedule that have 20 activities name the same, I am always wonder how the planner actually plan their project.

ID is a unique identifier, organise it nicely is good but don’t try to built in too much intelligent to it.

Glenn Douglas
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This isn’t an answer to the problem.

Many people advise not using the ID as a way of sequencing activities - I agree It makes no difference to producing the Plan, however when you’re on the phone with someone on the other side of the world and they have a 20 page PDF of your plan it’s a lot easier if the ID’s are in numerical order to say for example ’look at ID number 100520’. Instead of searching for a description.

Obviously once you’ve baselined the plan for the first time you wouldn’t want to change any existing ID’s. Which is usually why we go up in 10’s and can therefore add in 9 further activities if necessary.

A column on the left which had a row number (as in MSP) would be useful at times.
David Kelly
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P6 is designed so that the Activity ID is not part of any work sequence order. Indeed as you have found using the Activity ID to chose the sequence of events is VERY difficult.

I would have to advise not using the ID as a way of sequencing activities - you will get consistent problems this way.