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About Database Restore in Oracle 10g

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niles luo
User offline. Last seen 13 years 25 weeks ago. Offline
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I have used exp command backup the PMDB database. The database is oracle 10g. I have used imp command to restore the dmp file to database with any error or warnning. But when login the system with PM, the system indicate that: table or view do not exist. So I can not restore the the database.
Any help is appreciative.


User offline. Last seen 9 years 7 weeks ago. Offline
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HI mate,

you are missing a few objects the p3e ora needs.

1. do a full cold backup (if you have the power to log everyone off? OR i usually set a daemon to run at 11pm.

2. use rman to do a full object backup. (not just the tables that you see)

3. use rman to restore it back too.

3.5, make sure the privuser and pubuser is granted right permission to these newly restore objects etc....

4. if you are not sure of what rman is, then search for it on yahoo... (you were thinking i was about to say google it right?) well me not a big fan of google.

5. another easier way is to compare ur object listing and see which is missing and then sync them etc...

Vu Dang