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P6 - Problem Allocating Resources

2 replies [Last post]
Nicholas Porter
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When I allocate a labour resource to an activity, the didtribution of the activity occurs on each Monday.

eg Activity = Formwork, dur=6d
Resource = carpenter @ 10 units/day

Total units allocated = 60 units,

However P6 only allocates 30 units on two Mondays, not 10 units per day over the 6d duration.

I have reviewed my user preferences/options and can’t find anything obvious that would cause this issue.

Any advice would be appreciated,




Waseem Saber
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Check the calender, it is possible your setting is set for 50% usage, i,e you get 30 instead of 60.....
Anoon Iimos
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have a look at your calendar (resource calendar or activity calendar) and working hours; holidays; non-working hours