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P5 Physical % Complete does not roll up

4 replies [Last post]
Donovan Govender
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What should I do do get physical % complete to roll up in P5
Your help would be appreciated



User offline. Last seen 15 years 50 weeks ago. Offline
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I have tested on my PC and it show curve correctly when tick on checkbox of Earned value curve.
You can show "Planned value cost" on activity table to see whether it have value.
User offline. Last seen 15 years 50 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi Donovan.
Unfortunately we still have not understood your request.
What window are you currently in to show histogram? Tracking or Activities.

Donovan Govender
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Thanks K D ,Really appreciate your help, will try and let you know,I also need to show a histogram with planned, actual & earned and scurves for the same in one profile,
my profile histogram shows my budget,baseline,and actual,but the scurves,I have the planned value labour units & earned value labour units ticked but is not showing,

Please help

User offline. Last seen 15 years 50 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi buddy.

’Physical % complete’ is not rolled up, because it is a
discrete, user entered value assigned to an activity. Since
’Physical % Complete’ does not relate to the duration,
units or costs of the activity, there is no common
denominator to use for the summary


It is possible to configure the Activity’s ’Performance %
complete’ to equal the ’Physical % complete’.
Performance % complete can be rolled up to the summary
bands. However, to achieve this, the following three
statements need to be true:
1) The ’% Complete type’ of the activities must be
set to ’Physical % complete’.
2) The ’Technique for calculating performance %
Complete’ needs to be set to Activity % complete.
3) Finally, in order for the Performance %
Complete to be rolled up to the summary band(s),
costs need to be assigned to the activity. These
costs must also be present in the Primary baseline.

This solution derive from Primavera