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No driving activity in P5 ?

4 replies [Last post]
Kevin Matthews
User offline. Last seen 14 years 36 weeks ago. Offline
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Posts: 57

I have a few activities which are not showing a primary driving activity (i.e the driving tick box is unticked in all activities)

Surely one activity will always be driving ?

Keep Planning,



Dieter Wambach
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You’re welcome! / Nichts zu danken!
Mark Roberts
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Danke vielmals Dieter!
Dieter Wambach
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Hi Kevin
How did you manage? The following is out of P5-Help:
"Driving:Indicates whether the Free Float for this relationship is zero or less. Any delay in the predecessor activity will delay the successor activity".
I just see three chances to have no driving activity:
1. You defined a code or a UDF "driving" and show it in the activity table ignoring that it is acode or UDF.
2. You "painted" your schedule with constraints and have a free float between all of them
3. There are no relationships between your activities.

Maybe others know more reasons?!

Hi Mark
No need for a driving activity to be on the longest path. But all driving activities for those on the longest path belong to it. Criterium for driving is free float=zero.

Mark Roberts
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Hi Kevin

I’d like to have a go at answering your question to give myself a better understanding also.

I’m of the understanding that an activity will only be driving if it is on the longest path or has 0 or negative float.
I would love to hear from someone more in the know, as I’m new to this game.
