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how can i send all project to another pc by publish

23 replies [Last post]
tamer sayed
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could you please tell me how can i send whole prohect by publish using outlook
for example
if i have project about 60 pages and i want to send all pages by outlook to engineer in filed to go step by step as planned before
i did it before it come all pages separate + i icon ( explorer )
all opend in my pc
but when i send it to engineer in site by outlook
he has to open seprate picture one by one
also expolrere do not show any thing
could you please send me any solution for this problem
thank you


Arthur Godbeer
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I haven’t read the full thread in detail, but the following caught my eye: " . . . he has to open 60 page to update all activities."

If "update" is really what is meant, then it is possible that there is a misunderstanding between "publishing" and other functionality that is designed to allow updating of data. So we may all be going off on a tangent. Primavera web publishing is for purpose of reporting only.
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hi Tamer,

what you do is, ask your IT help desk to install you a local web server.

tell him to install you "IIS" on your local computer.
iis is a built in web server from win XP.

- then when you export the file, put it in the iis web folders. (your it help desk will know this).

- and test it out by opening up your Inter browser and type in your computer name.
(your it help desk should know this too).

this got nothing to do with p3e, just your normal windows web browser.

Vu Dang
tamer sayed
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Dear mr.Vu Dang

excuse me unforchantly i can not understant what you tell
please give me more detalies about it or give me example
because i am not experience in primavera
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Install IIS (webserver)
on your local computer.

if you are not sure how, ask your IT help desk.

then export your report into this webserver.

- or get a pc and turn it on 24x7 and use that as a mini web server, export your p3e project html files into there.
(install IIS on this box as well of course).

give your engineer the pc name so they can access it.

--- if you got no idea what i just says above.

please let me know,
so i can explain more details.

Vu Dang
tamer sayed
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Dear mr . Mario Sanvitale
want to inform you that i already publish project in folder with name project
i told you before this project 60 pages ( 60 PNG )and html file with whole project
all thing is ok on my pc
but when i sent this files through outlook to any engineer in filed PNG files it is ok appear but html geting empty
but when i open any PNG file it appear on html
example :-
if i open PNG_14 ( page 14 in HTML appear )
only this page
so i have to open all PNG files to can see whole project through HTML

i feel you are correct that i can not sent it by outlook
so could you please send me steps
that how can i transfer project to excel
thank you

Mario Sanvitale
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When you publish the document there will be many files. You are asked to give a name to the document, let’s say you call it PROJECT. The system will generate a single HTML file called PROJECT and then many other PNG files called PROJECT_?_! where ? is a letter and ! is a number. In order to view the output you have to download all the files into a folder (I would suggest using a new one for this) and double click on the html file, which will open the whole document. I don’t think you can do it from Outlook directly, certainly you can’t from Exchange.

Alternatively you could use the Excel export/import facilities available with Primavera 5, which might be easier?
tamer sayed
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Dear mr / Mario Sanvitale

whole progect about 60 page
when i publish it by ( print privew and with publish icon )
or tools and publish
it come with 60 pages seprate + explorer icone with whole project in this icon
i copy all and paste in outlook and send it to my engineer in filed ( he has not primavera on his computer )
when he opens expolore nothing appear ( empity )
but all pages it is ok
the main problem he has to open 60 page to update all activities
also there are link between this explorere icon and this pages
when i open any page it come ob explorer if i do not open this it not come on explorer

so please solve this problem or
tell me how can i sent publish project by outlook and all project appear in one page

could you please send me detalies all steps from a to z
thank you

Mario Sanvitale
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Tamer, do you mean you want to print the Gantt Chart for the whole project on one page to a PDF file so that you can send it via Outlook? If so, it sounds as though the problem you are experiencing is connected to the page setup. How big is the project, both duration and number of activities?

tamer sayed
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i do not want HTML pages
i want to show all project in one page
alo send it by outlook
Mario Sanvitale
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If what you are trying to do is zip up a Project Web Site and then open it, you have to double click on the html file called index to open the linked pages.
tamer sayed
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as i told before
i done as per you told me and i zip it and send it by outlook
the same problem i faced
i have to open each page one by one and explorer do not show any thing
i have to open pages first to can see it in explorer because there are link between each pages and explorer
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from pull down menu, select Tool -> Publish, a window prompt and it guide through the setting. Finish by click the button "Publish"
Finish the whole process, the web page will prompt.

Before send any information through OLK, ZIP the whole specified folder and send it.
tamer sayed
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Dear mr .mktse
could you tell me how you make publish from A to Z
tell me all steps now please
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In your first post, you mentioned that you can get the pictures and explorer. I assume you have no problem to create these files.

When creating these files, one of the step ask for the location of explorer, make it c: and finish the prompted steps.

Then in window explorer, you select the explorer file and folder with same name, ZIP into one file by right click. Send the ZIPPED file by outlook.
tamer sayed
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Dear mr Alex Wong
thank you for your replay

i have p3e ( enterprices )
it is same with your linces issue or not
also if you know how can i publish tell me in detalies ( steps )
also tell me how you publish in p5 ( steps one by one )
thank you
tamer sayed
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Dear mr mktse
thank you for your sooner replay
first how can i view code of explorer
second also could you tell me how can publish on c: drive root directory ( tell me steps one by one )
third also tell me how you make restore & back up
for all please tell me detalies or steps one by one
thank you
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Dear Tamer,

There is relationship between Explorer and pictures. When you view the code of exploer, you will find the link.

When you copy the Explore and pictures in other location, the links will be updated auto (but not 100% work, subject to network setting)

That’s why I like to publish on to C: drive root directory, both backup and restore make it same location to avoid the auto update.

Alex’s suggest is an alternative and it function also.
Alex Wong
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Firstly, you have to check whether you have the myPrimavera license bundle with your P5

if you do - good news because myPrimavera is a every useful platform to share information.

Once the license issue resolve you should have the program assoicated with myPrimavera, tomcat and collabration server

Set up the myPrimavera server where link with your existing full client database.

Set up user access to myPrimavera

Issue them with the project components that you would like them to update, follow and manage

Set up some basic update timetable monthly. Then you can have a fully progressed schedule @ the end of the cycle.

It is a timely excises but for long run, it improve transparence, visibility, ownership of project plan... It is a great tools

BTW the user manual do have the step by step procedure to set up myPrimavera

tamer sayed
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Dear mr. Alex Wong
could you tell me steps
tell me detalies
Alex Wong
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use myPrimavera

That way the engineer not only can see the schedule but they can also update the progress.



Try printing to ADOBE !!
tamer sayed
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Dear Mr. / mktse
Thank you for your replay
First I try your way but in vain
Look :-
I done in primavera enterprises and I done publish with this way
File --- print preview --- publish
All project divided to pages & each page will be in 1 photo
EX:- there are project 20 pages when I make publish it will be
( 20 photos + 1 explorer )
When I want to sent this project for filed engineer by Outlook it will be
20 photos + 1 file explorer
Note : ( has not primavera in his pc )
No problem in photo it is open with easy way but I have to open 20 photos one by one
Main problem in ( explorer file )
Explorer file appears all project ( appear 20 pages in 1 photo )
But I feel there are contact between this 20 photos and explorer file
That mean I should open photo to appear in explorer
Could you please tell me steps in details
Waiting your sooner replay
Thank you

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Publish the pages onto your own local harddisk root directory. Then ZIP the icon and all separate pages into one ZIP file and sent to others through outlook.

When he received the file and Unzip it onto his own local harddisk root directory, the display will same as yours.