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Claim Digger

15 replies [Last post]
Amir Dadbakhsh
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Dear Fellow
in one post i’ve read about a question about "Cliam Digger" and answers to above question.
can anyone describe what "calim digger" is.


Matt Masoumi
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I dont think my claim digger is enabled.

I have the superuser access level and I should be able to modify the whole database any comments on how to get it up and running would be much appriciated.


Mohamed Hegab
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Did you try an independent tool such as schedule cracker (  It does the job with very nice reports and features.  They offer it for free 14 day full functional trial.

Marcio Sampaio
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Ronald Winter,

Thanks a lot for your explanation.

I already enter on web site to know more about the product Schedule Analyser. It realy seems to have very interesting applications.

I wait to be able to be using this software in my next project.

Best regards;

Marcio Eduardo
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Marcio Sampaio
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Ronald Winter;

Have you already used claim digger in version 5.0? Did it worked well?

Is Schedule Analyser superior than Schedule Comparison (in v.5.0)?

Do they have the same metodology of camparison?


Marcio Eduardo
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
Ronald Winter
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1) I have made some simple runs using Claim Digger in Version 4.0, but none lately. There are some reported problems running Claim Digger on large schedules and there are some fixes listed on the Primavera website support system.

2) In reality, Schedule Comparison (Claim Digger) and Schedule Analyzer are different products and perform different functions. We have some Schedule Analyzer customers who run both Schedule Analyzer and Schedule Comparison on the same schedules. When it comes to needing to review a schedule update and determine the importance and correctness of the changes, then Schedule Analyzer is superior.

3) To be brief (and not labor the marketing end,) Schedule Comparison is an ‘audit program.’ It lists the changes from one schedule update to the next. This is fine (perhaps even superior) if you are a Contractor who has made changes over time and wants a ‘neat’ list of every change.

Schedule Analyzer has three modules; one for checking a Baseline Schedule (Schedule Comparison does not do this,) one for analyzing schedule updates (here is where there is overlap,) and one for unraveling complicated chains of out-of-sequence logic (again, Schedule Comparison does not do this.) Of the one matching area, Schedule Analyzer isolates the important issues from the ‘unimportant’ changes and then breaks down these lists of changes into topic reports and gives advice and warnings about each.
Amir Dadbakhsh
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Dear ronald

Thank you
Ronald Winter
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Claim Digger for Primavera Enterprise does not support Interbase. This is probably the reason that Primavera has dropped Interbase in the Version 5 software. If you are using Interbase and want to run Claim Digger, you will need to convert your database over to MSDE, which is included on the distribution disk in its own directory. Installation instructions are also included in the same directory but are not very clear.

Buy the way, Claim Digger IS NOT the same thing as Schedule Analyzer. Schedule Analyzer is a separate (and superior) product sold by Ron Winter Consulting (me) at Some Marketing Genius at Primavera ‘temporarily borrowed without permission’ the name from my company for the Version 4 product. (Pretty amazing considering that my product is included on the Primavera website as an approved add-on product.) I complained and Primavera has renamed Claim Digger, “Schedule Comparison” for Version 5.

By the way, Schedule Analyzer DOES work with Interbase.
Marcio Sampaio
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Amir and Moderator,

Thanks a lot for your responses.

I’ll do it and try to find answers for my questions and learn more about claim digger.

Best regards.

Marcio Eduardo
Rio de janeiro - Brazil.
Bernard Ertl
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There is a search function at the bottom of the PP forum home page. Type in claim digger and search and you will find all previous discussions of it.

Bernard Ertl
eTaskMaker Project Planning Software
Amir Dadbakhsh
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Dear fellow
when i want to install claim digger, program asks me to set up database (oracle or sql), i do not use those database ( i use interbase, maybe my lack of information about database cause this problem), i’ve looked up in manual book but i did not find anything about how claim digger can be set
i’ll Appreciate if anyone who has information about installing "claim digger",shares it and let me know how can i set database part
Amir Dadbakhsh
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Dear Marico
this is the answer by Moderator (Ronald Winter)
I have a problem with claim digger.I am new to this software and I tried to compare two projects with 4000 activties but system always hangs the comparision can not be completed.

Problem: When running the Schedule Analyzer it takes a long time to load the projects list when your a super user.

Problem: If you launch the Schedule Analyzer as a regular user, the projects list doesn’t appear to load at all after waiting 10 minutes.
Comparing Large Projects:

Increasing Claim Digger Memory Settings When working with large projects, Claim Digger may fail to respond for long periods of time due to a lack of memory. Claim Digger uses the default JVM heap settings, which may not be adequate for the current project. The maximum amount of memory available to Claim Digger can be modified via the Windows registry.

Do not add this value to the registry unless the amount of physical memory installed exceeds 256MB.

Launch the Registry Editor and navigate to the following location: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwarePrimaveraSharedExternalApplicationsClaim Digger.

Double-click the “Parameters” key and enter the following at the beginning of the Value data field: -Xmx256m Make sure you leave a space between “-Xmx256m” and the next character in the Value data field.

For more information about JVM heap sizes, please refer to the appropriate Java documentation.

Problem: Schedule Analyzer hangs when trying to list projects.

Fix: This known problem in Project Manager is corrected in version 4.1.
Marcio Sampaio
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Dear Amir;

Thanks for your response.

I’d appreciate to recieve the file. My e-mail is:

Claim Digger is a package that u have to install from Service Pack CD (Enterprise v.4.1).

U can use Claim Digger to analyze changes between versions of schedules and understand the progress that has taken place in the update period.
For example:
My contractors send me their schedules monthly with the progress until this time. Before i do the update, i use claim digger to see if there are new activities, if they delete activities, to see new start dates, to see new finish dates etc. All this informations claim digger gives me as a report (txt file).


Best Regards;

Marcio Eduardo
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil.

Amir Dadbakhsh
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Dear Marico
in that post, one planner had the same problem that you have, in that post gave him some guides. but in that time i did not know claim digger so the answers were not interested for me. unfortunetly i don’t know which page it is but i’ve saved it in pdf format. if you want, write your email address for me, i’l send it for you.
also i have a question, i have primavera enterprise 4.1
1- how can i find "claim digger" and install it
2- when do you use claim digger? still,its practical usage is not clear for me
thank you
Marcio Sampaio
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Dear all,

I use to analyse schedulles using Claim Digger, but also having problems when i compare schedulles with lot of activities (12.000).

Do u know if Claim Digger has a limit of activities to compare??

Best Regards.

Marcio Eduardo
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil.
Julie Scully
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Claim Digger is also known as ’Schedule Analyser’. It allows you to compare 2 schedules. Prior to V5 it needs to be installed off the CD. V5 has it automatically installed, and can be found under the tools menu