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Activity Codes vs WBS

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Patrick Zwinkels
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I am looking for a white paper, which explains when to use activity codes rather than the wbs in Primavera.

I spoke to a collegue about the fact that often one wbs is created in P3 which actually comprises of multiple structures and therefore becomes a beast of a thing...

When executing a project, I often use multiple activity codes to present the schedule, depending on the situation, instead of using the wbs function.

In my view, a project can be broken down into a number of ways (structures), such as by geographical area, by system, by phase, by company, by workpackage etc.

So, I’m looking for some published pieces to confirm my views...


Joel Gilbert
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Use what makes you comfortable and gives the best results to your managers and can assist in delivering the project on time, budget and using correct resources.....its a tool......the reality happens on site with quick decisions and hands on experience. I have never heard of a project blamed for been late for using WBS or Codes?

Anoon Iimos
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Activity Codes vs. WBS - Which one is easy to delete?

for me, Activity codes is flexible in P3; WBS is easy in P5 (like MSP), but be careful, I think the undo function is not working once you delete a certain WBS in P5..?

I guess Steps is the lowest in the hiarchy of P5, while in P3, you can play and organize your activities using Activity Codes easily.

Roll up and down are both easy in P3 and P5; but sometimes the labeling in P5 got crap! while in P3, just click reorganize now and its fixed! P5 is not!

WBS activity type in P3 (this one - I dont understand to be honest), actuals cannot fix this type of activity! so once you defined a certain activity as WBS type, never change it!
Patrick Zwinkels
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Thanks Eric,

Again, and even more clearly in the articles you referred to, this confirms my understanding of the use of the WBS option in P3.

In summary:

You can use the WBS function for one single breakdown of your work (i.e. Top - Down from project to workpackage). In addition you can supplement your schedule by defining activity codes and assigning the activity code values to your activities which will enable you to create other cross-cuts of your project.

In P5 (or Primavera Enterprise) there are already many more predefined structures available, such as EPS, OBS, WBS, RBS, CBS as well as the availability to use Activity Codes. However, an additional feature in P5, is the possibility to define a hirarchy between different activity codes. This gives you the possibility to create an additional WBS by combining a number of activity codes to use for defining e.g. a client specific WBS as well as your own company’s standard WBS.


Eric Chou
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This is a good subject.

Attached are 2 write-ups regarding Activity Codes, Custom Data Items and WBS in P3. Please review them for your reference.

Go to the

Eric Chou
Patrick Zwinkels
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Thanks guys for your feedback on my question. In particular I would like to thank Raviraj for the reference to that article. It confirmed my point of view, and I can use it as a reference to other people...

In regard to the other remarks posted on this thread, it’s clear that there are many personal viewpoints, which are neither right or wrong in their own way. As long as they get the job done succesfully!

Thanks again!
ulysses garcia
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Those were my viewpoints and would prefer to use activity codes against WBS to save time and efforts.

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Hi garcia,

We can discuss this later. Thread was about usage of Activity codes V/s WBS.

Those were my viewpoints and would prefer to use activity codes against WBS to save time and efforts.

If u are asking my viewpoints about scheduling softwares, check this link (similar to yours - U will agree with what I m saying)


ulysses garcia
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Yes im using P3 before but i consider it an OLD tool and obsolete.

P3 by the way is not a tool for a modern planners. sorry to tell you..
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Hi garcia,

If somebody is organising data with activity codes and not by WBS, it doesnt mean that he/she has not broken down the task into activities.

The definition quoted above is bookish (As, books doesn’t refer to acivity codes) and P3, gives you that flexibility to organise the data as per WBS/activity codes.

With the help of activity codes, you can decompose project into sub-projects, phase, subphase, system, location to get more manageable components exactly in a similar fashion as of WBS.

Are u using P3 by the way?


Raviraj A Bhedase
ulysses garcia
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WBS - Work Breakdown Structure it is understood to first break down your task into a pieces and then next Organized it. that’s the S.O.P.

Make a research and you will be enlightened
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basic question is about usage of Activity codes V/s WBS. Activity codes is also a look alike of WBS but with customised format.

At the time of organizing, one can organise the data with the desired codes with Activity codes.

For WBS, you dont have that flexibility.

So, my advise is that, at the time of preparing program, one should use activity codes, as we start working from a high-level WBS and then detail it further. This will definitely ease out the things. Once the program takes the final shape, then we can start working on WBS and then we may organise as per WBS.

But, point to note is that, activity coding and WBS coding may be the same.

This is my viewpoint. Any suggestions please


Raviraj A Bhedase
ulysses garcia
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hi patrick

you wrote:
I spoke to a collegue about the fact that often one wbs is created in P3 which actually comprises of multiple structures and therefore becomes a beast of a thing...

It becomes a beast!!! if you are not familiar in using WBS. The WBS method of planning is i considered to be adapted as stardard method to track,schedule project in a clear and precise manner. most of the planners that i know is not using WBS in p3 mainly because p3 is not friendly to used such method. I recommend using WBS in Primavera P5.

Back to the topic, in my reseached i never found one of the best and famous planners including the PMI college of scheduling who does not used WBS. becuase WBS is a form of planning strategy that until today not yet superceded.

So , i recommend used WBS in all type of planning..Instead

Good luck

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Article by Paul Harris in allpm.

Hope this will be clear for you.


Raviraj A Bhedase
Anoon Iimos
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i believe there were lots of views here regarding that subject, use the search engine..