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Activity codes vs WBS

7 replies [Last post]
Vamsi Kolliboina
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Hi All,

What are the advantages of having a rigid/freezed structure (WBS) when we have the comfort of breaking/grouping/organizing the project(s) through activity codes ?



Adnan Amjad
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That is called a comprehensive reply GOOD!
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Hi, back to basic activity code group related activities while WBS chop the whole project into manageable level (work package)of details. In organizing activities, activity code and wbs compliment each other. Activity codes offers flexibility in generating views/layouts or filters.
Adnan Amjad
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Difference of opinion is a way to find the better result. What u written in the end I totally agree with it this is what i used to say the flexibility of Activity Codes i.e, u can get the errors of ur Project Plan by doing many kinds of different analysis using Activity Codes like u described or I mentined in my previous msg but one should be very careful i differentiating b/w Activity Codes and WBS coz according to PMI standards (PMBOK) WBS is a way to represent ur Project scope in smaller component/deliverbles i.e, it is the breakdown of ur scope statement of the Project. So correcting ur WBS using Activity Codes is one of its benificial uses not its only use. And it also depends on the planer that weather he defines his Act Coding exactly same as his WBS or not it is not a hard and fast rule. Its just depend on the planner what level of details he require from his Plan.

Sorry for so much lengthy answer but I think it is esential
Bill Guthrie
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Beg to differ with you. in fact always try to set up the activity codes to mirror the WBS code structure.

Level 1 WBS = Level 1 Activity Code

Level 2 WBS = Level 2 Activity Code.

You have 20 activity code fields, so why not. Reason is that its very easy to check values in a large schedule and errors stick out.
If you orginize by WBS and open Column fields for all Activity Code fields, you can spot in a heartbeat a error in WBS coding or Activity Coding because it does not match.
This is very helpful on a large 10k plus schedule.

Cheers Bill
Adnan Amjad
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No there is no co relation in WBS and Activity Codes. Very Simply speaking Activity Codes are flexible so they are used for different types of analysis of Project Plan Like Some Times u need to look the distribution of Resources acoording to months or some specific Work Catogory broken down monthly this all u can achieve with Activity Codes but WBS is just the clear breakdown of the Scope of ur Project.
Vanessa Morris
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So if you use WBS, does it mean you don’t need to use Activity Codes (or the other way around)? Do they complement each other?
James Bridges
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This question has already been answered in the ’Planning & Sheduling’ section. Search on WBS to pick up the thread.

In short the WBS is a logical way of structuring a project for the way it will be built and managed. A WBS is used in Earned Value Analysis reporting when related to the cost plan.

In P3 the WBS allows you to summarise the project at the levels of the WBS without the need for ’hammocks’.

