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Activity Code vs WBS field

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P3 Scheduler
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I noticed how other project controls people in my company organize their activities. Most use the activity code fields (define field like "level" or "phase") rather than use the built-in WBS field in P3. Can someone speak to the pros and cons of different approaches?

Thank you
CS Ong


Dayanidhi Dhandapany
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Dear Eric,

I’ve gone through your article. I must appreciate your efforts, well done.


Eric Chou
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Attached is the write-up by me regarding the Activity Code vs WBS. Please review for your reference. Go to the Also, you may find this is useful regarding Activity Code vs Custom Data Item. Go to the Eric Chou, PE HTC Project Controls, Inc.
Jorge Taguinod
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I think that WBS was developed to help project managers to at least be able summarize large project data. WBS provides only one way to look at the project.

However, with the advent of computerized project management software, PMs dont have to be limited anymore to just one perspective. And P3 uses Activity Codes so that you can slice and dice information in many many ways... by activity codes, project codes, resources, time, float, etc. Imagine if you needed to do this manually?

I would always recommend the use of Activity Codes becauase filtering, grouping and summaryzing, and performing global change is much easier this way... plus the fact that I can view project information in countless perspectives which can be saved in different layouts.

Crown Systems (Philippines)
Tara Muddappa
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The way I view is to have WBS structured the way you build the Job.On the other hand activity coding gives you ample flexibility to view the reports of your choice.
George Hislop
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The WBS code is a useful if the project emphasis will not change. In the Oil and Gas industry the emphasis often swings from geographic breakdown during construction to systems as the commissioning starts (about 70% through construction). In this kind of situation the code fields are more useful as the definition of systems is not always clear early in the project and can evolve during the project life.
Another factor with WBS is that you have to define every element even though it may be repetitive. For example, if you have 40 groups of cabling activities spread over 10 areas you would create 40 unique WBS codes. Using code fields the cabling could be a generic code created only once but shown in each area. The latter option only requires 10 Area codes and 1 Generic Cabling code.
Also worth noting that Resource loading reports in P3 do not allow grouping on the WBS.
I would be interested to hear any other thoughts on this one...