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Can get a planning transalted in Russian. HELP!

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Frederic Fasquelle
User offline. Last seen 2 years 2 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 16 Mar 2006
Posts: 61
Hi Everybody,

I am looking for days for the best solution to get THE solution to translate my english schedule in bi-lingual (english/russian) one. I have tested a lot of solution (Use of log / Add new custom data items / write in the ACT DESC).
Nothing is working because P3 doesn’t recognize the font used. Ours transalators are using ARIAL or TIMES in using special charaters but P3 doesn’t recognize them (even copy/paste or import).
The only solution is to copy/paste as object and attached to the bar but it is quite long and will heavy my files.

Is anybody have THE solution for me ?



Andrew Podolny
User offline. Last seen 1 year 33 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 16 Nov 2004
Posts: 130
Hi Fred.

I’ve did this many times.
First of all - make sure the script of fonts you’re going to use for Russian is Cyrillic. In P3 Format->Fonts->(highlight the font in listbox below and rightclick mouse)->(go to the Script combobox and select Cyrillic)->Press OK. Repeat if necessary for other font.

Next step is to import all translation into P3. I’ve used DBF format for export/import routines. Just export the Act ID and LAG1 into DBF file then update LAG1 field with translated text and import it back.

That’s all.
PS. You can mail me the DBF file with ActID and Lag1 from P3 and the translated table either in Word or Excel (actID+Translation) and I’ll prepare the DBF file.

Best regards