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HELP! Need help converting Primavera file into MS Proj

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Simon C.
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Can anyone help me?
Our contractors have Primavera, while my employee has MS Project. I need to convert the Primavera file sent me to (.xer extention) into either .MPP or .MPX so that I can open it in my MS Project.
Anyone with skills and the software out there that can help me convert this file would be of great help.

I can e-mail the file to you. Please help!

Million Thanks,



Philip Jonker
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Yes can do, but only on monday, contact me via the private message system, and I might have one of my people working on the weekend, who can do it for you. With a bit of luck, I might go to the office tomorrow, but don’t bet on it.
Simon C.
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Hi Philip,

thank you for the advice. If I send you via e-mail the .XER file i received, would you be able to open it in your PC and save it as an .MPX extension and send it back to me?
Philip Jonker
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Hi Simon,
There is a simple answer to your problem, if you upgrade to Primavera V5, which I believe might still be free if you have a vlid P3, with a maintenance contract. You can actually view MSP file directly in Primavera V5, or import them, with no problems. the only condition is that you have to have both program in stalled on your computor, ie P v5 and MSP. Hope this is of assitance.
Simon C.
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I used to work for the DHS and could very much tell you that Federal government has nothing in common with local government. DHS was efficient. The county here is managed by half wits. It’s sad but true and it is eating alive the talents of many of my co-workers. We are stuck with it. The local economy has nothing to offer in terms of jobs except in the field of health care or infrastructure and so we are all stuck to take it like the men that we are...
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Hello Simon,

I cant believe what you telling here in PP.

The US of A, in some county is backward.

Please be careful, your homeland security may be tapping PP.

Or the BAD GUYS out there may use this remark for propaganda, you know, same as cold war.


Simon C.
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Thanks. Unfortunately, my current position with the county does not allow me to dictate application purchasing - only recommendations. I’m much removed from the contracts that were signed with the Contractors years ago. As a matter of fact, I’ve recently been thrown into what I could only describe as a chaos. Contractors submitting schedules printed on paper for status reporting? Is this America, or are we living on the moon? How can one determine actual schedule or cost variance from a piece of paper. I’ve been trying to get the administrator to ’get with the program’ of looking for an analytical tool, something to show the real picture. But it’s like pooling teeth. People look at me like I need to shot - "Why do we need to do things differently?" I find myself beginning for files that should be given to us without even a request.
I gotta tell you - I seriously miss the private sector. Such gross negligence on the part of the local government is despicable.
Baselines? They didn’t even know about baselines till I started working here - now they choose to call them pay-out curves. I almost got assaulted during a meeting trying to explain the importance of baselines...good Lord...
Ronald Winter
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Might I caution to you to consider more that just the file conversion process. Imagine that your project goes to arbitration or even court. Imagine if you need to review an impacted delay analysis. As yourself the question, “Are you were looking at the same schedule as the contractor?” If you are converting it, from P5 to MS Project, then the answer is, “No, you are not.” Once you get away from the baseline stage, these two software platforms operate very differently.

What does your contract specify? If no particular software is listed, then might I also suggest that the contractor is using the correct software and you are at a definite disadvantage. You need to be using something that understands retained login and out-of-sequence progress. You need to use the data date and not have uncompleted activities “stuck in the past.”

Ask your counterparts in other counties and at the state and federal level what they are using. They are not using MS Project to run real construction projects. The only large federal-level group still using MS Project is the Corps, and you must know how badly they track and control projects.

Switch to something like SureTrak (which is CHEAPER than MS Project, by the way.) Use something that does more than just make pretty barcharts; something that understands the data date and out-of-sequence progress. Good luck!
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Hi Simon,

Relax. If it is only less than 5,000 activities, then, yo can just make your own programme in MS PRoject. MSP is vey user friendly and simple to prepare programme.



Simon C.
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Thank you all for the info. It makes me so angry that I have no control over the Contractors (I work for a County Government and the bureaucracy is maddening).
I sent an e-mail to them asking them for the original file. So far I’ve only obtained the .xer file. Can one of you open it if I sent it to you. Thinking about it, this is ridiculous. I’m in Florida asking someone in Europe or Asia to open a file for me...Jesus, what’s the heck is going on...I need another job...
Mario Sanvitale
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Hannes, this is a P3e file (.xer), not a P3 file, and what Stephen suggests is the best approach, exporting either as .mpp or .mpx format.
Hannes de Bruyne
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The best way to to this is use P3WIN\ra\samples\excel\activity.xls. With this file you can read your Primavera file into Excel. The next step is copying it by hand to MSP.
I’m automizing these steps with a macro, bus did not finish it yet - you’r some weeks to early with your question

Steven Oliver
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Easiest way, would be to ring up your contractor, tell him politely how stupid he is and let him know in no uncertain terms, that he must submit his plans in *.mpx format.

Which is a standard format from P3e.