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Importing P3 File to P3e

9 replies [Last post]
Akin Adurosakin
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I was to import a project (PRX file) created in P3 to my P3e but lost the structure I created in P3. I used Activity codes to organize my activities in P3 (and not WBS) but in P3e I understand that I can only organize/structure activities by WBS (though can sort by Activity codes). Can someone please advise me on the following?

1. is it possible to transfer/import my activity code structure in P3 to P3e?

2. is there a way to organize me activity using activity codes created in my P3 after importing to P3e?

3. How do I manage my baseline project (Target project added to my project in P3) while in P3e, will it be imported alongside the main Project or as a separate file?

4. is there a way to export from P3e to Excel (or similar program) my Budgeted Quantities/manhour or resource loading? (in P3 I can do this to make a curve by … Tools>>>>>Tabular Reports>>>>>Resources>>>>>Loading.

I will appreciate all your suggestions. Thank you.



shajeela nair
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I have calculated my budget quantiy in excel & then converted to DBF file.But when i am trying to import all in P3 format.Except budget qunatity all are getting imported.But my budget quantity values are not displaying in P3.

Philip Jonker
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I hope it was of some assistance
Marcio Sampaio
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Hi Philip,

Thanks for the response.


Marcio eduardo.
Philip Jonker
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Hi Marcio,

The import/export route is actually the simplest route to follow. The way you do it is to export the right fields, and also some user fields, depending on the infor mation/data you want to import. If you want to bring in codes, insert these codes in an user defined text field, you have to ensure that these codes are already allocated in the activity codes (in P3 you could import non- allocated codes and P3 would crete the codes without descriptions, but in V5 this is not possible), once the aforegoing is done, it is simply a matter of global change.

A humerous incident occured today, where we copied the master schedule, to make a major revision, the schedule was copied, but then all kinds of anonymalies started occurring, such as some project names were duplicated, some were renumbered, and various other things. This required a lot of maintenance in minutes. Had to figure out how to re-number projects in a controlled manner, how to rename the EPS structure. We managed to do it in no time, but the problem was somebody, had to walk through the minefield every time, that was pushing the button to do mass edits. The point is after the event, I decided this was the stuff where nedals should be issued,for bravery for planners, maybe the xxxx medal for hitting the replace button, or the yyyy medal for hitting the global change button.


Marcio Sampaio
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Hi Philip,

There is an option to import/esport to and from Excel on the P5 mesnu, ok?

Isn’t it SDK module introduced on P5 menu??

Do i have to install SDK also when using P5??

Philip Jonker
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Hi Marcio,

You have to install the SDK module. and it is not part of the menu, however there is simpler ways than using SDK.
Marcio Sampaio
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Hi Philip,

Thanks for your help and support to my last answer.

About Q4: Import / export to excel in P3e is not the same as in P5. U have to use SDK module. In P5 this module was introduced in the menu.

Kind regards.

Marcio Eduardo
Philip Jonker
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Hi Akin,

I sort of skipped the P3e period, and am working in Primavera V5, but my bit of time spent in P3e, tells me it is simular to V5.

Q1 and 2, Marcio is quite correct, however, make sure you select the project activity codes, as this is where P3 stores them during export. A tip to make thing easier is to create a wbs based on your P3 codes, then sort by activity codes, and code your activities with WBS codes to match, after this you use the WBS which is easier.

Q3: I would suggest you export your baseline (Target) project to P3e and after sorting out the WBS in the same fashion as mentioned above, set a baseline on your Target project, and use this baseline in your updated project. If this sounds a bit unclear, contact me to give more details. the problem is that the two programs operate slightly different, but essentially the same.

Q4: I am not sure if I am a 100% correct, but in V5, this is very simple, you set up your report, and copy paste it into Excel. I suspect you can do the same in P3e.
Marcio Sampaio
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Hi Akin,

1 - Just repeat your activity codes structure (P3) on group and sort (P3e).

2 - Answered on #1.

3 - Sorry, i’m not sure. But i think that P3e imports P3 baseline.

4 - Yes, u can do it using SDK module or creating a lay-out on Assignments with the columns u need, copying and pasting to Excel.


Marcio Eduardo
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil