I want to confirm something.
Lets say we have 1000 lf of conduit to install. One labor installs 200 lf conduits a day. Lets call him worker 1. So it will take him 5 days to complete.
Now if we had only him as labor, the duration of this task is 1000/200 =5 days.
And the work amount is:
Work = duration x units,
5 days x 8 hours x 1 labor = 40 labor-hours (manhours)
Now this comes to man-hours. Why do I see work amount as hours in many places? This is my first question.
Then my second question... let's say we have another labor. Call him worker 2. He installs 250 lf conduits per day. So he takes 1000/250 = 4 days. Now the work amount will be 4 days x 8 hours x 250/200 = 40 man hour again correct? So in other words, it is as if we have a resource worth of 250/200 = 1.25 times of the previous resource now, and that is how we must put worker 2 into equation right? And this way the total work amount doesnt change because we are talking about the same 1000 lf of conduit after all.