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Using UDFs how can I put percentage value in P6 r18.8

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Bonsio Noval PMP
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Dear Expert and P6 practitioner, 

I want to show some percentage using UDF, I tried Global change but it yield up only decimal points.

And the sum up on wbs level with wrong value.

Please I need help.



Zoltan Palffy
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glad I could help 

Bonsio Noval PMP
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Thank you very much sir for your help. I was able to show percentage symbol on each in progress activity, but unfortunately on WBS level it does not.

Zoltan Palffy
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1. Create another UDF: Data Type Text (Call it % Progressed for this Period)

2. Global Change: 

Then       Parameter                                      Is                     Parameter/Value                    Operator          Parameter/Value

            % Progressed for this Period               =                  UDF (Choose UDF you created)       &                        %

3. Apply Changes-> Commit Changes

4. Insert UDF from Column and you will see % sign with number.

Bonsio Noval PMP
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They want to compare the Earn value labor units to Actual Labor units as performance indicator, if their percentage is greater than 100%, the project performance is better and below 100% it is not satisfactory,not acceptable.

Since the performance percent complete Labor Units has a range from 0 to 100 percent only, that is why I can’t use it as our performance indicator.

Zoltan Palffy
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why are you using a udf why not use performance percent complete becaue it calculates earned value according to current activity completion percentages.

Bonsio Noval PMP
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Please refer to the above screenshot:

for the WBS level  ;    864/1,952 = 299.73 which is wrong, it is supposed to be 44.26%

and on the otherhand for Activity Level ; 57.6/65 = 88.62% which is correct, that's what I mean for, it works on Activity level.

Zoltan Palffy
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I dotn understand that it is working at the activity level but not the wbs level.

All work is at the actvity level WBS is just a way of grouping your avtivities

you must understand for wbs that in order to perform an earned value analysis, you must specify two calculation techniques. These techniques apply to activities that are currently in progress. The first technique is used to calculate an activity's percent complete. The second technique is used to calculate an activity's Estimate to Complete (ETC). A set of options is provided for both of these techniques, and you can set these options for each WBS element.

The fundamental earned value parameters used to calculate an activity's Estimate to Complete are: Earned Value Cost; Budget At Completion (BAC); Planned Value Cost; and, Actual Cost. You can derive an activity's Estimate to Complete and other earned value indexes from these parameters.

If you are the administrator for your organization, you can specify default earned value techniques for WBS elements.

Bonsio Noval PMP
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Sir, if I choose Activity resource assignment, in the drop-down list, there is no selection for

Earn value Labor Units

Zoltan Palffy
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since you are dealing with resource types of fields you must change the subject type to Avtivity Respurce Assignments

Bonsio Noval PMP
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Thank you Sir Zoltan Palffy, for your response

        I have created a global change

under Select Subject Area I choose Activities then in parameters

Where earn value labor units is greater than 0
then UDF = earn value labor units/Actual labor units

And UDF = UDF * 100

then select change >>>> Commit Changes

however, this working equation were successfully yield a correct result on Activity level only but on the WBS level it does not.

Zoltan Palffy
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use the global change and multiply by 100 in the global change 

also make sure that you have the correct type of UDF 

they can be associtated with the activity or the resource assignmnets

also check the data type of the udf they can be text, cost finish date, indicator,integer, number or start date