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How to focus the Major activities which can reduce the delay in project(using float path and float path order on P6)

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User offline. Last seen 11 years 21 weeks ago. Offline
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When the project is in delay, How to find the major delayed activities (using float path on P6)which you can focus on them, and update them in the next run date when you  update the progress :


1-      Open the last updated progress program (Ex: Run date 2011-04-07).

2-      Make a copy and save it, and rename it by the next run date , for example if you make update every two weeks , then the run date will be( 2011-04-21).

3-      Press the schedule button , and go to  (options)  then (advanced)  then mark on(calculate multiple float path using total float),then specify the number of paths to be 1000, and leave the window of (ending with activity) empty.

4-      Now press ok and then run the schedule with run date (2011-04-21).

5-      Go to columns and display the column of ( float path ) and (float path order).

6-      Tel now you run the program without updating any activities.

7-      To find which activity causes the main delay and update it , make a filter to show

      a.       critical activities

      b.      Start dates less than or equal  data date + 1M.

8-      Now apply this falter.

9-       Search for the biggest total float activity, and look on the number in the column of (float path), and search for activities which have number (1,2,3….)in the ( float path order) which have the same float path number .

( Note : the (float path number) is meaning the critical path no. and the ( float path order)is showing   the rank of activity in this path , ( number 1 means that this activity in the first in this path, and so on)

10-   Try to modify activity 1 , and then 2  for the same path till you recover  some of the delay and run the program whin you finish form one path.

11-   Repeat step 9,10 for each path , till you recover  most of the delay.




Best Regard.



this so much good benifit from P6