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Hi, everyone. What duration type you will choose? then what percentage type you will use to engage your duration type. Or it is

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louis hung
User offline. Last seen 11 years 17 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 17 Apr 2008
Posts: 10


Regarding you had completed resource loading and been authorized of your baseline.1.Fix Duration &Units2.Fix Duration &Units/time3.Fix units4.Fix Units/timeThen what percentage type you usually adopt.1.Duration2.Physical 3.Unit.Actually, I am not very sure how it engage this two elements to make it work well.Maybe you guy can provide your well experience here.Thanks!


Johannes Vandenberg
User offline. Last seen 1 year 3 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 21 Jan 2010
Posts: 234

Hi Louis

If your schedule if resource loaded i suggest that you use Physical percentage type. The advantage is that you can spit the remaining duration and the % completion. This is particularly useful when you apply Earned Value Techniques. The disadvantage is that you have to update every single activity and apply remaining duration and % complete.  
