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P6 Programme Update Issue

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Hi All,

I have a latest programme update (monthly) in hand with project completion in June. It is anticipated that extension of time of 3 months to the project would be expected, but due to administration process its unlikely to be awarded anytime soon.

At the same time, I need to issue a variation order which is very much independent to the on-going works, and was requested to show that it has no time impact to the project completion. Issuance of such variation (say 4 weeks duration) would be later than the current project completion date, but comparing to the anticipated project completion date, it would undoubtedly have 2 months of float. Now my problem is when insert the activity into the programme and schedule it, it would become out of sequence logic and the float would be negative and activity bar in red because completion has yet to be extended. Could anyone advise how would you go about presenting such analysis to your client/superior?

Your advise is appreciated. Some sample or screen cap would be great. Thanks.



Zoltan Palffy
User offline. Last seen 27 weeks 12 hours ago. Offline
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Thats not true out of sequence logic happens when you start an activity before its predecessor has completed.

Since this is a new activity all you are doing is inserting it and it has nothing to do with out of sequence

out of sequence example

install conduit finish to start relationship tp pulling wire

as you progress the schedule you have started conduit but you are not 100 % complete but you have started pulling wire

this is out of sequence progress

I do not know what out of sequence logic is 

it depends on where you insert this new activity as to if it pushes out the end date or not meaning where you assign it predcessor and its successor.