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Can we change the relationships in Updated program While updating the baseline schedule??

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AB Timo
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Hi All;

Keeping the baseline unchanged,can we change the relationships in updated program based on the actual sequence off work ?




Mike Testro
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As Gary says - check your contract to see what that says.

Otherwise the Society of Construction Law Protocol 2002 and the CIOB Guide to Best Practice in Time Control of Complex Projects both describe the proper use of the baseline programme.

Best regards

Mike Testro

Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 40 weeks ago. Offline

Some contracts / clients require the updated programmes submitted to them to have no changes in logic or durations, and no new or deleted activities. (or any such changes to be approved in advance)

This is in my view a very bad idea, since they are virtually guaranteeing themselves a false picture of project performance. However it is relatively common, so read your contract carefully to acertain wether this is the case for your project or not. -We cannot tell you.





AB Timo
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Thank you Mike.Can you please provide me some reference or any clause regarding what you just said.It will add confidence when i will be in discussion with Client's planne.


Mike Testro
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Providing that the original programme is maintained and progress is reported on it for the engineer you can do whatever you wish on parallel programmes.

Best regards

Mike Testro

AB Timo
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If yes..Then me being a planner from contractor can adjust the float values that Consultant can never see.

And at the end would not it be difficult to perform delay analysis if logic in actual program is different than logic in the base line.Just a confusion in my mind that needs to be solved.

Why not?