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Project duration not reflecting overall original duration

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Ayman Mohammed
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In the screen shot below, i have applied 7 days work week for project duration activity, start miletone and finish milestone , for all other its 6 days work week calender. On the overall summary level original duration is '959 days' , even though activity project duration is of duration 1095 days. i want to show original duration for project as 1095 days.



Santosh Bhat
User offline. Last seen 43 weeks 14 hours ago. Offline
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Its a function of how P6 calculates durations for summary bands. If all tasks within a summary band use one calendar, then the summary band will also show duration using that calendar. If there are a mix of calendars, then the summary band will use the project default calendar. So you may want to swtich 5the project default calendar to the 7 day week calendar you are using for the summary activity.