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Duration % of Original % Threshold

3 replies [Last post]
Aries Arian
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Hi all P6 Users,

Can any one Explain me that how P6 Calculates Origional Duration and Actual Duration.I was applying a Threshold "Duration % Of rigional (%)" and you must know that


Duration % of Origional (% )=  Actual Duration / Original Duration * 100

Now I Am not having a clear understanding that how P6 Calculates Actual Duration and Origional Duration Values.

Please Clear This Concept.

Thanks in Advance.



Amit Parmar (PMP)
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Hi Aries,

Can you tell me if you want formuale for Duration % Complete? Cause Original duration is a punched in value and Actual Duration is etiher punched in or Calculated depending on whether you entererd Remaining Duration or Actual % Complete.



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Shah. HB
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Aries Arian
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