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do we need to update the original duration

12 replies [Last post]
mimoune djouallah
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dear planner

when we update the program ( not the baseline), should we need to update the original duration !

my boss told me to do two scenarios :

1- use actual trend to calculate the new original duration.

2- keep the original duration untouched, thus how much "work" we need to respect the baseline.

any idea will be highly appreciated

best regards


Anoon Iimos
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When I said there’s something wrong, I mean in general development, from planning to execution (which is very subjective, like the calculations of original duration).

for example:

You might have an activity that you planned to finish in 10 days, you call ten days (10) your original duration (OD). But basically you never considered resource productivity rates in determining the 10 day-duration (you just assumed it). Now comes actual condition, say after five days, nothing happened (activity started but minimal or 0 progress). You might think that your remaining duration (RD) should be 5 days, but in reality, you’ll need another 10 days to finish the activity considering zero progress. This will become a chain reaction with regards to other activities and you might end up with a double or triple remaining durations for your activities (not to mention negative floats).

Now going back to the question: "Do we need to update the original duration?"

My answers are:

1. No - If you are going to stick to one Baseline Schedule.

2. And yes - If you consider Re-baselining or even not considering any baseline, but using your current schedule as your only monitor and making it dynamic without any comparison or reference.

This is just my opinion.

mimoune djouallah
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Gary that’s exactly the situation

Dieter, and Annon, basically there is nothing wrong with the plan, unfortunately our subcontractor is doing less then expected.

Dieter Wambach
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Pay attention to the project related parameter: "Link budget and at completion...".

If you’ll consider to revise the plan??

I agree to Anoon, that there might be something wrong with your plan.

Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 41 weeks ago. Offline
I don’t think anything has to be very wrong in the development to do this.

for example, during program development a tank erection subby commits to a productivty rate of 100d per tank, and he has 10 tanks to do.
After the 1st 3 tanks are done, he’s actually averaging 110d per tank. I see nothing wrong with increasing the RD to 110d for the remaining 7 tanks.
Anoon Iimos
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Of course you can, if that’s how you see it practically, but there must be something very wrong in the first place (I mean in the development of your original durations).
mimoune djouallah
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ok thanks, can i put RD > OD

Anoon Iimos
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"what to do when original duration is not realistic?" well, I supposed that makes the Planner keeps his/her job (joke).

Seriously, I always consider "original durations" as your "baseline or target", any changes to it is another story. Calculations of original duration(s) should be always based on productivity rates (as agreed), (but never happens most of the time I supposed, thus making it unrealistic).

Gary Whitehead
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Actually, I agree with Anoon. Changing the remaining duration will give you everything you need in terms of accurate forecasting, and having the original duration unchanged will highlight to you where you current planned (remaining) durations differ from original baseline.
mimoune djouallah
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thanks all for your answers.


but what to do when the original duration is no more realistic, i "know" that for that particular activity, the subcontractor has a productivity that will not respect the OD, and i am pretty sure ’he’ will not add more resources.

and by the way, it is just an internal analysis, no worry about the client.

Anoon Iimos
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IMHO, you don’t need to, but you can always calculate the remaining duration. Updating original duration(s) is like making multiple baselines.
Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 41 weeks ago. Offline
I would say yes because the program should reflect the most accurate forecast based on all available information.
But be sure to record any changes you make as it will always be a factor when analysing variance to baseline.

Another word of caution: some clients really don’t like it when you change durations or logic without approval, because it makes the analysis they do more difficult. My view is you’re not there to make the client’s job easier, you’re there to make it easier to deliver the project on time & budget.
Mind you, the next time I act as PMC, I’ll probably change that view ;o)
Dieter Wambach
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If you use P6, then you can use "Reflection".
View "projects" --> right click on your project --> create reflection.

Hope this helps.

Good luck!