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Updating Resoure Assignment in P6 from Excel spreadsheet

6 replies [Last post]
Esrom Queeley
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Is it possible to update the budgeted units of a ll activities in a P6 programme from Excel. I need to be able to be able to update these units using time distribution so specific for each month and not have P6 spread them as it sees fit.

To Clarify,

1) export resource assignment with time distributed Budgeted Units to Excel

2) edit excel fields accordingly

3) Import edited Excel sheet and schedule




Raymund de Laza
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That's called Bucket Planning.

Can manually edit directly through Resource assignment.

Zoltan Palffy
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the default curve is a linear curve you can assign a canned curve or make your own custom curve. 

Hello Esrom,


There is option you can use resource curve in primavera,i believe it will serve the purpose.


Please share your experience after following Zoltan inputs.



Zoltan Palffy
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I do it all the time works great 

Esrom Queeley
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Thank you very much, I will give this a try

Zoltan Palffy
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1. Go ot the Project directory and make sure that your project is highlighted click on the resource tab and on the right under resource assignment make sure that Resources can be assigned to same activity more than once is NOT checked

2. create a resource make sure then when you create this resource that CALCULATE COSTS FROM UNITS IS SET TO NO

3. filter for activites that you want to assign the resource to.  

4. select all of the filter activities 

5. right click and select assign resource and assign  the resource that you just created.

6. File export and select resource and resource assignment and yhen select modify and make sure to export the budgeted units and at completion units. Export this to excel.

7. make you modification to this file in excle and save you file.

8. In P6 select file import and select the file that you just saved. 

9. During the import select resources and resource assignments.

The key is setting up the resource and assigning the resource to the activities and then using this a s template to export so that you can populate it in excel and import it back into P6.