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Resources Labour units not recalculating after Loading

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zahid shaikh
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Hi! I assigned some resource for trial, with its "Default Units/ time as 8/d" and then I assigned it to activities. After scheduling, the programme calculates the labour units based on that. 

(Pic 1) But then when I change the same resource "Default Units/time as 2/d" and scheduled, it does not recalculate the Labour units.

(Pic 2) I tried doing it with cost, changing it from $2/d to $8/d. And then I Clicked on "Recalculated the cost assignment" and it worked. In pic 2 you can see the Cost changed but labour units did not, even after scheduling.

Any setting or logic I am missing? Also After changing the default currency from AED to USD, it is not changing.




Zoltan Palffy
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glad I could help. Unfortunately no. The setting of the resource that wer ein effect at the time that you added the resource remain in effect. lesson learned set up the resource correctly the 1st time and then you will not have any issues

zahid shaikh
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 Thank You! Yea it worked. Also, I wanted to know if there is a way to correct this problem without deleting and adding the resource again.

zahid shaikh
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Thank You, Mr Steven,

It was so easy to understand, how could I forget changing default units/ time only changes its availability and that shows up in overallocation chart. The only solution would be to reimport the budgeted units for the labour resource.

As for the Cost currency, I changed in the user preference also applied the same currency for the resource but it did not work. I deleted the resource and reassigned it, then it worked.

Zoltan Palffy
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the rules and settings that were in effect at the time that you added the resource remain in effect. Just delete the od resource and add the new one. 

Steven Auld
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Changing the default units/Time will only change the resource availability & not the number of assigned resources to the individual activities.

I would not expect this change to make any difference when scheduling the plan (as the number of Resources have already been assigned) .

By reducing the available resource it would then show as an over allocation against the available resource when scheduling (depending on the number of resources assigned to the Activities).

The cost will update as this is a direct relationship between the Price per Unit & Number of Units allocated to an activity (Assigned Resource Units x Cost Per Unit).

Where are you changing the currency setting - against the resource, or in user preferences?

The User preference settings will change what Currency you see, but if you only change the currency against the resource then it will change the cost depending on the Exchange Rate settings in the Admin Settings.

Using Exchange Rate of 1 AED = 0.27 USD, If your User Preferences are displaying AED, but you input a resource cost as USD instead then the AED value would show as 3.67 instead of 1.

If you then change your User Preferences to USD, it would then show as 1 again.

Primavera stores all currency data as USD, then converts this based on the Exchange Rate specified in the Admin Settings to be displayed based on User Preferences settings. If the exchange rate setting shows 1 AED = 1 USD, then the value will not change when changing from one to the other.

I am not sure what data is kept in Primavera when the Currency is changed against the resource - i.e. Not sure if Primavera stores the value after conversion against the resource, or the Original Value entered before the currency change.

Check the Currency Settings in Primavera to identify the Exchange Rate settings to see if this is the issue - these are manually set.

Hope this helps.


Zoltan Palffy
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delete the resource and then add it again with the new settings.