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Resource Labour Planning Overview

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Ian Perrins
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I’m using P5 and I’m trying to plot out our (architectural)Labour Resources against our projects in a manner that would allow us to, at a glance, see who’s doing what until when and when they are freed up to move to other projects. This would be updated each month as the projects progress. I’ve tried a couple of options - putting in the project as a WBS with the various stages (Concept Design, Preliminary Design, Detail Design etc) as activities with the staff member(s) assigned as a resource to each activity (stage of work). Now I’m trying it ’the other way around’ by making the project the WBS, with each staff member as an activity underneath, giving them a duration (time committed to the project), but neither of these quite addresses our needs.

We want to be able to have an overview of our labour resource allocation.

Any ideas?



Ian Perrins


Khaled Charkie
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This is may be a solution for your problem if I have understood it correctly:
1- Open alle the projects where you have assigned resources
2- Go to Group and Sort and then choose resource IDs to make the grouping.

Excel is not the proper tool - it is too hard to synchronize schedule changes with Excel.
I hope that you will receive satisfactory answer in PM5/PM6 discussion. If no, you can try Spider Project that is much more powerful in resource planning.
Best Regards,
Ian Perrins
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Thanks for the response. I figured this was the right topic forum, but if not, I will add it under the one you suggested.

I have tried doing it in P5/6 but the result was not ideal so I did it in Xcel. Was just hoping to get more out of our P5/6.

why do you ask this question in this thread instead of PM5/PM6 discussion?
Your question has very simple answer if to use Spider Project (just open Resource Gantt), but you need PM5 advice, isn’t it?
Best Regards,