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How can I incorporate change orders in the schedule?

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Dimple Dean
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Hi All,

Just asking on how to deal change orders. Change order on Tiles (Addition) was approved already by us (Client).
Contractor sent us a notice that this Change Order has a procurement of 40 days and required 2 days installation.
This could be a potential delay, now my question is how can we incorporate this in the schedule?

Thanks in advance!



Zoltan Palffy
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You MUST add the NEW activites into the schedule with the proper logic and durations.

EVERY CHANGE ususally adds 2 things manhours and dollars.

Input the logic and durations into the and recalcuate the schedule to see if this change has caused a delay to the critical path of the project. I would also add an activity code in the schedule amd assign each new activity with the change order code so that you can track each change notice and added work.

When you think about it from a time perspective you are adding manhours to the schedule for added work and to perform this work you are taking away manpower from base contract work to perform change order work. Now of the base contract work falls behind schedule the owner is going to tell you you do not have enough manpower on the project. Therfore the change notice should be priced accordingly to account for the additional mapower and possible additional equipment. 

Mike Testro
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Hi Dimple

You know the start date of the tiling so you can work out the latest start date before the task turns critical.

If the latest start date is later that the delivery date then it will not cause a delay but you may have used up float.

If the latest start date is earlier than the delivery date there will be a delay on the theoretical critical path.

You will not know excatly what the delay is until you have finished the job.

You do not need a planner to do this - it is simple arithmetic.

Best regards

Mike Testro