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How do u identify long-lead equipment in your schedule?

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John Drokovic
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I have 3 questions for the well experienced planners/schedulers who have developed integrated EPCM schedules:

1. What is the concept of a long-lead equipment? Is it determined by size, cost or other characteristic?

2. Which equipments are considered as long-leads for oil/gas, mining and power plants projects?

3. How do you identify long-lead and schedule-sensitive materials and equipment in order to put it in your schedule?

Thank you.


Anning Sofi
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Long lead items are those construction equipment or materials that need to be procured and whose procurement lead time (which includes shop drawings, fabrication, delivery) will lead to a delivery date on site that will impact negatively the installation dates of the programme.

Check with your procurement team, what is the delivery lead time for your construction materials; they may have to look at the procurement costs, the requirements of the client (specifications), mode of delivery (by air, ship, land), what shop drawings  need to be produced before fabrication can take place; there may be actual site dimensions needed.

It is not necessary that it will take months for an item to fall under this category.

Salar Al Zubaidi
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I wish you can visit this website to have a very clear of the long lead item.
Mike Testro
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Hi John

The definition of a "Long Lead" item is any piece of kit that is required to be engaged in the project with a procurement time that is likely to affect the completion date.

In tunnelling the availability of the head shield would probabbly be the most critical.

Before you start planning anything set down on a spreadsheet a list of all the pieces of kit that is required and in the next column put the procurement weeks.

This will show you what are the most likely critical Long Lead Items.

When this data is applied to your programme you will learn which one is critical.

Best regards

Mike Testro.
Shah. HB
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Equipments which you could get in local region of your project location they are classified as short lead items whose order & delivery period is less than a week

Long lead items are those whose order to be placed in other countries ,followed by manufacture period consumes more time after manufacture they do factory acceptance testing then delivery to site through over sea or air freight

there is no standard for minimum production period it depends on your project contracts and material specification
John Drokovic
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Thank Shahul for your reply.

Now I have the following questions:

1. Is there any minimum production period for this? (in order for an equipment to fall under the category of long-lead item)

2. What do you with equipments that are NOT long-lead items (i.e. bulk material)? Do you put them in the schedule or ignore them?

Thank you in advance.
Shah. HB
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Equipment whose production period is long is termed as long lead items

Some of long lead items are
4.AHU/FCU equipment
5.switchgear and so on

One has to go through specification and conditions of contract to identify the long lead items

In the programme long lead items duration are tailored in to 2 0r more activities
for example
100 days long lead duration for generator to be delivered at site

so you need to split them up

1. for ordering of generator 20 days
2. for manufacture of generator 20 days ( 1st set)
3. for manufacture of generator 20 days ( 2nd set)
4. for delivery of generator 20 days ( 1st set)
5. for delivery of generator 20 days ( 2nd set)
then link them up to installation process