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Change Order Claims

2 replies [Last post]
Rizwan Rauf, PMP
User offline. Last seen 9 years 28 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 23 Jun 2009
Posts: 19
Dear All,

I am working in a Chinese Company named ****** in Saudi Arabia. we are working on Bridge Projects. I am facing a problem here regarding change order claims. As there is not much proper systems in the company, So no one knew how to prepare CO. I just joined this project and most of the change order works have been completed at site and no one initiated change orders. Now client is asking for this and suggested us to get the quotations from other contractors and prepare our quotation plus adding profit and submit.

Kindly suggest me, which should be the basis of change orders as jobs are completed and no time sheets for manpower/equipment/material been signed by us/client either to claim on per hour basis. And also we don’t have record of actual cost on those change orders.

(In contract, there is not any clause for the method of dealing with change orders. It only mentioned that should be agreed by client/contractor mutually)

Thanks & Best Regards,

Rizwan Rauf


Samer Zawaydeh
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Dear Rizwan,

I would recommend that you start immediately by making a list of all the Change Order and notifying the Client of them.

Then you start collecting the data for each Change Order.

I would recommend that you make "As Built" drawings and put the necessary Engineers to calculate the differences between the "Issued For Construction" drawings and the "As Built Drawings". This way you will have evidence of the chances and by doing a simple quantity surveying you can find the quantities (hopefully).

You can submit estimates of the cost based on good Contacting Practices and BOQ prices. This will be negotiated with the client.

With kind regards,

Mike Testro
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Hi Rizwan

It is not a good idea to disclose the companies name in an open forum - you might be disclosing confidential information.

Best regards

Mike Testro