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Oild and Gas Construction works - guideline for calculating the rate of work

5 replies [Last post]

I am a new planning engineer with just a year of experience. I need to prepare the construction schedule for a chemical plant. I have the scope of work discipline wise. I am not able to determine the duration of each of the activities, example excavation. I know what the volume of work is but since I am not able to determine the rate of work, I am not able to determine the duration of activity. This is very critical as I need to determine an optimistic time frame for the construction works by rolling up all the individual activities.


The major works are

1.       Excavation (Both manual and machine)

2.       Piling works (Cast in situ)

3.       Structural frame work for installing Column.

4.       Piping works (~ 9000 Dia Inch)

5.       DCS / SGS works (Instrumentation)

6.       Cable trays (Electrical and Instrumentation)

7.       Tank modification works

8.       Switchgear installation

9.       Underground cable trenching works.

These are few of the activities I had mentioned and I am sure when I move to another project the activities are going to change based on the nature of job.

Can anyone please share with me you data which you would have collected in the past projects based on which I can get an understanding and also base my schedule on that.

Kindly help me.


Dear All,

Thank you for your reply. I understand that I can get the production rates reference from PP Rates.

I checked under the rates section , but I didn't see the production rates there.

For sure I am not looking at the correct location. Is it the correct section to look for?

Can you please send me the link?


Many thanks in advance.



- Joe

Dear All,

Thank you for your reply. I understand that I can get the production rates reference from PP Rates.

I checked under the rates section , but I didn't see the production rates there.

For sure I am not looking at the correct location. Is it the correct section to look for?

Can you please send me the link?


Many thanks in advance.



- Joe

Sunil Babu
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Posts: 156

Hi Joe,

Calculate the manhour requirement for each activities and accordingly fix the duration.

PP Rates will be useful for manhour calculations.

Best Regards,



Johannes Vandenberg
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Posts: 234

Hi Joe

Easy question difficult answer.

I am planning to develop a website "Estimating for Planners".  I know that your question is applicable to many planners and schedulers. 

Next summer it is planned for release. 

Regards Johannes

Mike Testro
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Look in the PP rates section