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(1) Explain your problem, don't simply post "This isn't working". What were you doing when you faced the problem? What have you tried to resolve - did you look for a solution using "Search" ? Has it happened just once or several times?

(2) It's also good to get feedback when a solution is found, return to the original post to explain how it was resolved so that more people can also use the results.


3 replies [Last post]
Mohamed Yusuf
User offline. Last seen 8 years 1 week ago. Offline
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Hi, I have been working in a Project with duration of 9months, supposed to complete by Sep'13. Due to various alterations in the Finishing Schedule and Nomination of new works, the project has been dragged till date, with every day addition of new works.

Now, the Management has asked us to submit an impacted program for depicting delay incurred, basically for claim.

Kindly advise, what should be the approach as the baseline program has nearly lost its orginality due to numerous changes.


Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 5 weeks 2 days ago. Offline
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Hi Gary

Time is not at large if there is a contractual mechanism to award an EoT for extra work ordered by the client AND the client abides by it.

Best regards

Mike Testro

Gary Whitehead
User offline. Last seen 5 years 30 weeks ago. Offline

If the client is adding new scope daily, after the contractual completion date, is time not at large?

Mike Testro
User offline. Last seen 5 weeks 2 days ago. Offline
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Posts: 4420

Hi Mohamed

Welcome to Planning Planet

Step 1 Save the original (not progressed) baseline as a new file called Extra Work.

Step 2 Add the new work as individual tasks and arrange the logic.

Step 3 Reschedule - This will give you the revised completion date and EoT entitlement

Step 4 Add the original progress - this will provide a Time Impact Analysis for cost and concurrency.

Best regards

Mike Testro